It's Okay

 It's Okay

My person and I were hanging out in their room, I was on my phone playing fruit ninja. They were on his laptop, editing their newest song. "Yes!" I shouted, I had just beat my high score! "Hehe, what was that for?" They asked me with a laugh. "I just beat my high score!" I said proudly. They smiled, at me then went back to his work. About half an hour went by, and I started to feel an ache in my lower body. I knew immediately what was about to happen, I was gonna have a bladder ache. "Oh no, no, no, not now, not here." I whispered to myself. "You ok, princess?" He asked me. "Yeah, I'm fine." I lied. It wasn't too severe just yet, so I thought I would be okay. So I went back to my game. But suddenly I felt a burning pain go through my body. "Ow." I said, and my breathing started to get ragged. My bladder hurt so bad, and I was worried I was gonna have an accident. "Are you sure you're ok? You sound like you're in pain." My person said, with concern. "Ok, no I'm not fine. I haven't told you this before, but I have chronic bladder pain. Whenever my bladder gets really full, the pressure hurts me. Sometimes I can't control it, and I have accidents. It scares me sometimes, because I'm worried it's gonna hurt when I go." I said, through ragged breaths. "Oh, lovely it's ok. You can't control it, it's nothing to be ashamed of." They said, and came down to hug me. "It's gonna be ok, I'm here. I know it hurts. I just need you to breathe." They said, as they helped me breathe. "I'll come with you to the bathroom, if you want." I nodded, my head and they helped up off the floor. I felt a lot better after I was done, and we laid on the bed for a bit. "Whenever that happens, when we're hanging out. Just tell me, I'll help you through it." I smiled and promised I would tell him. They kissed my forehead, and we ended up watching a movie the rest of the day. 


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