

So this is another Xanthous and Elrik one shot, I miss writing about them and I hope you all enjoy this story!


I don't know how it came to this. It was supposed to be a romantic evening just the two of us. I had everything planned, we were going to have dinner at the Fire Smoke grill, than take a walk by the river, followed by a lovely carriage ride through the park. But none of those things happened, instead of the romantic evening I was dreaming of I ended looking all over the kingdom and beyond for my boyfriend. I knew something was wrong the moment he left to go to the bathroom during dinner, and never returned. I went in there searching for him, but he was gone. My only clue was an open window, and Elrik's promise ring was on the floor. He never took it off, so I panicked and immediatly went looking for him. I went to the academy and asked Brystal and the others to help, of course they did. We looked everywhere we could think of, now I'm laying on the stone floor of my room crying and begging the universe to let Elrik be okay. I just wish there was some way I could know that he was alright, I'm so worried about him. If anything happened to my love, well I don't think I could go on. 


I have no idea how I got here. I remember walking into the bathroom, doing my buisness, then all of a sudden I feel a heavy object knock me out. When I opened my eyes, I was in a cold dark, place. My joints were tied up, and I was in so much pain. It hurts to breathe, I don't know who brought me here. But I know they wanted to hurt me. All I can think about is Xanthous, how scared he must be. I miss him so much, and I hope he's okay. Knowing him, he's probably worried sick about me. I wish there was a way to tell him where I am, but I'm not sure where here is. I hear someone coming, there's a guy who's at least ten feet tall, he has dark hair, muscular build, and piercing dark eyes. A chill runs up my back, and I feel the room become colder with this mans presence. "well, well, well look who's awake." he says with a deep growling voice. "you know, I'm surprised you woke up again at all. After what I put you through, I thought for sure you were a goner." He gets really close to me face, and turn away from him. I know that if I look at him I'm gonna start crying, I do not want to look weak in front of this guy. "where's your precious boyfriend now huh? I don't see him anywhere, maybe it's because he doesn't really love you. You are nothing but a scared little boy who will never be anything in life!" He yells in my face, when he steps into the light I let out a gasp when I see who this man is. "Father! Why are you doing this to me?" I say, taking in a sharp breath then wincing at the pain it causes me. (guess I was exaggerating about the ten feet tall thing) "because the only person who deserves to lead us is my daughter Elvina, she's more of an elf than you ever will be. Also you disgust me." At these words I break down and just sob, I can't believe I was kidnapped by my own father, I think about Xanthous the one person other than my mother who truly loves me. How I wish he was here right now. I feel a swift kick to my side and I let out a scream at pain. My limbs are untied, then I'm pushed into the wall sprawling on the floor. It hurts too much to move, I feel myself losing consciousness. My last thought before I black out is Xanthous, hoping he finds me soon.


I have to do something, there needs to be a way to find Elrik. A spell, a portal, a navagation system anything! I need to find him and bring him home. I pick myself up off the floor, and start rummaging through the book shelves in the royal library. Hoping something leads me to my boyfriend. As I'm going through the books  I come across this one called Tracking: How to find a missing person, animal, or thing well it looks like I found what I was looking for. I flip through the pages until I find this passage on tracking down people. According to the passage I need to start where Elrik was last seen, then look for any clues that might lead me to where he had gone. I run to the restaurant bathroom, and start looking for more clues besides his ring. When I search over by the window I see a piece of black and white chekered fabric, indicating that Elrik's clothes must have ripped while climbing through through the window. I climb out the window and land on the ground, I notice a path with footprints leading into the secret staircase of castle. I follow the footprints all the way to the back exit, then take the stairs leading outside. Once outside, the footprints contine into the woods. "oh Elrik, what happened to you?" I say to myself fearing the worse.  As I walk deeper into the woods, I come across this menacing building. It has broken windows, rotting wood, and looks like no one has lived there in decades. I take a deep breath, and slowly make my way up the creaking stairs to the door. As I step inside the door makes a horrible screeching sound, then shuts behind me with a loud bang! I jump at the noise, taking in my surroundings at the old decaying strcuture around me. It looked like the place was haunted. I walk deeper into the building, wishing I had flashlight or something because it was so dark. I thought about lighting myself up, but decided that would be a bad idea given how old the place is. It could go up in flames at any second. I come to some stairs leading into what looks like a basement, as I get closer I can faintly make out the sound of breathing...


Well I'm still alive which is a good thing. My father came back a few more times while I was out, I'm pretty banged up. My side hurts so much, I can barely move. I see a trail of blood next to me, and I realize I was bleeding from my arm. I can't believe my father would do this to his own son, I had never done anything to the man, yet he made me suffer because he thought I wasn't good enough. I can hear footsteps outside the door, and I panic wondering what my father is going to do to me now. But as I listen again, I notice the footsteps sound oddly familiar, in a nice way. They're soft yet firm, and I hear the door slowly open. As I crane my neck to see who it is, my eyes go wide from shock. It was my amazing boyfriend coming to my rescue! "Elrik! Oh my God, what happened to you?" Xanthous says as he runs over to me. "I knew you would come." I say weakly. "Don't worry baby, I'm gonna get you out of here. You're gonna be okay." His voice is so soft and reassuring, I smile at him to show him I appreciate it. "can you move? Does it hurt? I don't want to make it worse if it hurts." Xanthous asks concern written all over his face. "It hurts a lot Xan, my side is so painful." I say wincing at just talking. "okay, don't worry I'm gonna help you up. It might hurt for a second, but I need you to breathe okay?" I nod, and feel Xanthous gently pick me up off the floor. It hurts and I let out a whimper, burrying my head into his chest. "it's okay baby, I've got you." he says, placing a kiss on my head. When we arrive back at the castle, Xanthous lays me down on the bed, I wince from the move but start to relax at Xanthous's ands running through my hair. "Don't worry, help is on the way." He says smiling at me with sympathy. The royal physicians arrive to check out my injuries, they patch up my arm, rub cream on my cuts and bruises. When they pull up my shirt, to check my side it's not a pretty sight. "oh Elrik, that looks like it hurts." Xanthous says taking my hand in his. There's a deep purple bruise on my rib cage that goes half way up my right side, they need to feel around to make sure nothing is broken. This hurts like mad, and I squeeze my boyfriends hand. "shh shh, it's okay you're doing good baby. Just hang on." Xanthous's words are helping a little bit, so I try to focus on his voice. "Elrik it looks like you have a broken rib, we'll wrap your torso in bandages to help keep it in place so it can heal. You should rest now." Xanthous thanks the doctors as they walk out of the room, then comes to lay next to me. "I'm so lucky to have you, thank you for saving me." I say fighting back tears. "I will always come find you, I love you so much baby." Xanthous hugs me, it hurts. "Xan I love your hugs, but you're hurting me." Alarmed Xanthous immediatley rolls off of me. "I'm sorry, I hope you feel better in the morning." "with you, I always feel great." We share a pasionate kiss, then lay down and go to sleep. Laying here with my amazing boyfriend, who's gonna take care of me while I heal, I know I will always be safe with him. With that I take Xanthous's hand in mine, and slowly drift off into a comfortable sleep. 


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