Being with you

 Being With You

It was such a lovely day. You know why? Because I spent it with the person I love. We sang, we ate, we had relations hehe. Then we went for a walk, and held hands the whole time. Now it was the early evening, and me and my person were cuddling on the couch watching Dr. Who. "This is so cool." I said, with a smile. "I know right?" They told me petting my hair. About half way through one of the episodes, I felt my tummy start to make a painful growl. "Was that your tummy?" He asked, with a small laugh. "Um, yeah." I said blushing. "So cute." My face was so warm when he said that. My tummy growled again, and it hurt really bad. "Are you ok puppy?" They asked, still petting my hair. "no." I groaned, holding my tummy and wincing. "Is it your tummy?" I nodded. They pulled close, and lifted up my shirt. "Would it help if I rubbed it?" He offered kindly. Again I just nodded, in too much pain to say much else. He softly placed their hand on my tummy, and began moving it in slow circles. Their hand was so warm, and it was really comforting. Then without warning, he leaned down, and kissed my tummy. I looked up at him, smiling. "Sorry, I just couldn't help it! You're tummy is so cute." He said. I loved this human so much. My tummy still wasn't feeling better, and it was really getting painful. "I'm sorry your tummy hurts so much puppy, but I might know what will help." They got up, and when he came back they had a bunch of stuff in his arms. "Ok, I've got some medicine, one of your plushies, and a heating pad. I also got you some water." They were so thoughtful. He got everything set up for me, and I was really cozy. Then they snuggled in next to me, wrapped his arms around me, and held me until I fell asleep. When I woke up, I was still wrapped up in their arms, and my tummy felt a lot better. 


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