The Future

 The Future

It was a beautiful morning in the fairy kingdom. Fairies in all shapes, sizes, gender, and ethnicity were flying around the gorgeous picturesque landscape. Unicorns were drinking from the pond near the palace, griffins were out catching their breakfast, and the leaders of the fairies are still sleeping getting a few more hours in before their days start. Xanthous Hayfield and his fiance Elrik were snuggled up together in their bed, sleeping the morning away. The proposal was beautiful, very fairy tale like. As dawn was breaking Xanthous thought back to the day of the proposal, he had a huge smile as he remembered everything.

Flashback to the proposal

Xanthous and Elrik were taking a walk around the fairy palace grounds, they moved their after Xanthous realized he belonged home with his friends. He did promise to come back and visit his fire demon subjects. Xanthous had never been happier, he had the boy of his dreams, a loving family, and his purpose was very remarkable helping people is always so rewarding. "There's somewhere I want to take you." Xanthous said to Elrik with a huge smile. "lead the way your highness." Elrik said playfully. The boys walked further into the woods, until they came to a familiar tree and bush. Elrik realized they were in the place they first met, and he immediately started wondering why they were there. But upon further inspection Elrik realized there was something different about the place, there were fireflies flying around the tree, and someone was playing a lute. Then Xanthous turns around with a rose in his hand, he pulls Elrik closer and gets down on one knee. He gives Elrik the rose, and says. "Elrik I have never been happier since I've been with you, I've felt like I was missing something my whole life. Until you showed up, and made it better. I love you so much, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Elrik, prince of the Elf Empire, the love of my life will you marry me?" Xanthous pulled out a ring that was so beautiful, it had a gold finish with an engraving that said "I'll love you forever and always." Elrik was so moved by this, he had tears streaming down his face, then he got down on one knee. "Xanthous you're the most amazing person I have ever met, I don't know what I would do without you. The day I saw you, I knew there was something about you I liked. Now I know that those feelings turned into love, I love you so much Xanthous. Will you marry me?" Xanthous was shocked and he had tears falling down his face, Elrik also picked out a beautiful ring it was the colour of fire, and had "you'll always be my king" written inside the band. "yes" they both said then slipped the rings on each others hands. They shared a passionate kiss, and hugged. They were engaged! 

End of flashback

Xanthous and Elrik were awake now, and ready to take on the day, after all they had a wedding to plan for. "I can't believe we're getting married!" Xanthous screamed excitely. "I know, I'm so happy to be marrying the love of my life." Elrik said kissing Xanthous on the cheek. They walked out into the meadow, and began making a list of things they needed for the wedding. They were so happy to be doing this, and held hands as they jotted down notes for their big day. Our boys are all grown up.

That's it for this one! Tomorrow will be the wedding!

Spread love not hate! 💙😊


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