The Punk Rock Werewolf and The Shy Writer

 The Punk Rock Werewolf and The Shy Writer

(How cool would it be if your boyfriend was a werewolf and a musician?)

In this story you will find out! :)

Hi my name is Melody Carter, I'm twenty years old and this is how I met my boyfriend Lunar Matthews. It's a bit of a strange story, one I never thought would ever happen to me. It all started in the summer...

I was at the park, writing my newest story. Because that's my job, and the park was a very peaceful place to work. As I was writing, I had the feeling I was being watched. I looked up from my work, and there standing in front of me was the most gorgeous guy I had ever seen! He was tall, tan, long pitch black hair, hazel eyes that almost seemed to glow, he wasn't too muscly and had a little bit of belly fat but I thought that was cute. He also had a paw print tattoo on his right forearm, and a music note tattoo on his left. He was wearing black skinny jeans, with an Escape the Fate t-shirt, and over that was a leather vest with a bunch of patches on it. He wore a pair of studded converse, and leather fingerless gloves. He also had an eyebrow piercing. I was like "he's gonna think I'm such a dork." Because let's face it, I am a dork! I wear glasses, I'm awkward as heck, there's no way he wants to talk to me. Even though I'm dressed kind of similar to him, he's not gonna think I'm cool. "Would you mind if I sat here?" He said, I didn't expect him to have such a soothing voice. It was refreshing. "o-oh, um sure." I said very awkwardly. I was mentally face palming myself. "What are you working on?" He asked me. "It's a story about a punk rock girl, who goes on tour with her guitar playing/ skater boyfriend, only they run into some trouble along the way." I said. "Wow that's sounds cool, if you get it published I might have to read it." He said with a smile. This guys smile was so cute! "What's your name?" The beautiful stranger asked. "It's Melody, Melody Carter." I said with a shy smile. "Nice to meet you Melody, I'm Lunar Matthews." I was so enthralled by him, he was so cool. "Oh shoot, I should get going. I'm in a band and they can't start practice without me on lead vocals and guitar." My eyes went wide, he's in a band! "Hey would you like to come see us play?" My heart thumped wildly in my chest. Before I could back out I said "sure." Next thing I knew, I was following Lunar to one of his band mates garage, to watch them play...

I was in shock, Lunar's voice was magical! And the way he played guitar was mesmerizing, there was a part during the song where he did a solo, and the shredding was to die for! I really appreciated people who can shred. "Woo hoo, yeah!" I yelled and clapped when they finished. "Did you like it?" Lunar asked me. "It was amazing! You guys are so good!" I said, with enthusiasm. As they were packing away their instruments, I noticed the paw print tattoo on his arm started glowing. I thought I was seeing things, but then it started glowing brighter. Lunar noticed this, and said "Hey guys I gotta get going, but I'll meet you for practice this weekend." They all nodded, and Lunar headed out. "Hey wait up" I said following him out. "oh, hi there. Um you should really be heading home, it's getting dark and I wouldn't want you walking home in the dark." He said. "oh um okay, could I maybe get your number?" I asked. "Sure, here you go." He gave me a piece of paper with his number on it, and I smiled. "You're really pretty Melody, and I really like your vibe. Would you like to go on a walk with me tomorrow?" I was screaming on the inside! "Sure! I would love to!" I said, happily. He nodded, and said that he would call me. Then he ran off into the woods. 

I was a little confused when he ran off into the woods, but I just thought maybe he likes late night walks. That night while I was in bed, I was sound asleep when I heard this howling noise. It was so loud, that it woke me up. "What the heck was that?" I asked myself. I thought maybe it was the neighbors dog, then I remembered they don't have any animals. I shrugged it off, and laid back down. But then I heard it again, I didn't think we had wolves. I mean yeah there were woods, but I didn't think wolves were in there. The howls sounded like they were getting closer, I was curious and decided to investigate. I threw on my hoodie and converse, and grabbed a flashlight. Then I cautiously walked out into the night. I approached the woods, that's where I could really hear the howling. I walked into them, the farther I walked the louder the howls became. I came to a clearing, where the moon was beaming down. In that clearing was a large black wolf, feeding on a dead animal. I was scared, it was the biggest wolf I had ever seen. He picked his head up, and looked my way. His eyes glowing in the moonlight. He sniffed the air, I think he picked up my scent. I was too frightened to move, and was grounded to the spot. He started to walk toward me, I tried not to make a sound. He came close to my face and sniffed my hair, then he nuzzled me. I was very confused, why was this wolf being so affectionate with me? Then he sat down near me, there was something about his eyes that looked familiar, but I couldn't figure out why. I very carefully held my hand out to him, and petted his head. The wolf seemed to like that, his ears went back and it was almost like he was smiling. He sniffed me one last time, pressed his nose to my hand, then ran off. 

The next morning, I was still shaken up about what happened last night. I couldn't believe what I saw. "That wolf was so big, it didn't seem natural." I said to myself, as I was getting dressed. I had on my black ripped skinny jeans, my Jack Skellington T-shirt, a blue and balck studded belt, some spiked bracelets, my moon choker, and a black beanie. I laced up my black converse, and grabbed my phone. Looking at it, I saw a text from Lunar. "Hey gorgeous, why don't you meet me in the park before our walk? I have something I need to tell you." I was a little confused, but I started heading out anyway. When I entered the park, there sat Lunar. Dreamy as ever, he had his hair pulled back, and his eyes sparkled in the sunlight. "You actually showed up, I was worried I scared you off." He said, looking down. "Well I was confused about your message, but I still came because I wanted to know what's going on." I said sitting down next to him on the bench. "Ok, what I'm about to tell you may sound a little crazy. But you have to believe me." I nodded. "I'm a werewolf, and I believe you're my mate." I thought I had heard him wrong, I just stared at him in shock and disbelief. "Y-you're a what?" I said, with a confused expression. "I know it's hard to believe, but it's true. I was born this way." He said in that soft buttery tone. "Here I'll show you." He held out his hand to me, and I took it hesitantly. But once I did, it was like sparks shot through my body. It was the best feeling. He led me into the woods, and brought me to a clearing. The pawprint tattoo on his arm began to glow, and he started shifting. The snaps of his bones sounded painful, but he was used to it. Once the shifting was over, a large black wolf stood in his place. That confirmed it, Lunar was in fact a werewolf! He trotted up to me, I held my hand out for him to sniff. He sniffed it, and licked it. It tickled. Then he shifted back, and he was a man again. "Okay, I believe you now!" I said a little frightened. "I promise, I won't hurt you. You're my mate, I could never hurt you." I felt a little bit of butterflies when he said I was his mate. "I didn't know, you could have human mates." I said. "Yeah, it's more common then you would think." I smiled. "Could I hold your hand again?" I asked him. He smiled at me, and gently interlaced his hand with mine. We walked out of the woods, and took our walk like we planned. 

3 months later...

It's been three months since Lunar and I met, we have gotten very close. We are an official couple now, and I couldn't be happier. On full moon nights, I jump on his back and we run through the woods. It's amazing! Lunar runs so fast! We were having the best time, and then one day he did something so incredibly amazing, and wonderful it made me fall in love with him more. We were driving in his black car, he was taking me somewhere special I could just feel it. But he wouldn't tell me where, told me it was a surprise. When we finally arrived, I noticed we were by the ocean. "Wow, this place is so beautiful!" I said getting out of the car. "Not as beautiful as you my darling." I blushed, Lunar may be a punk rock guy/werewolf, but he was a true gentleman. We waked down to the beach, and laid out a blanket for us to sit on. I was a little cold, so Lunar took off his leather jacket and wrapped it around me. "There we go, can't have my love being cold." Then he kissed me. "Babygirl, there's a reason why I brought you out here tonight. Well actually there's a few reasons." He seemed nervous, I found it very cute. "Babe, whatever it is I will still be here. I promise." I said patting his knee. Lunar pulled out his guitar, and winked at me. "Melody, the day I met you I knew you were the one for me. I felt this pull in body, it was almost like the moon brought us together." I was melting. "This song is for you." Lunar pulled out his pic, and began to sing. "Let me be your first time, let me be your last. Celebrate your highs, and lift you when you crash. The only name you breathe. Let me be, let me be." I loved this song, Escape the Fate was one of my favourite bands. "The night you won't forget, the words you don't regret, your one and only, let me be, let me be." His voice was so beautiful, I was swaying along to every chord he played. "your make a wish that comes true, the one you always run to, your one and only, let me be, let me be." When the song was over, I had tears rolling down my face. "Oh no baby, what's wrong?" He asked, concerned. I practically tackled him in a hug, he was the best. "It was beautiful, I loved it so much!" I said, still crying. "Oh, you're welcome babygirl." He kissed my head, and then licked my face. (it was a wolf thing, but I didn't mind) "There's something else." He said, then reached into his pocket. He pulled out a little velvet bag, and what he pulled out was the most gorgeous necklace I had ever seen. "This is the mate moon pendant, every werewolf when they turn thirteen, is given one of these to give to their future mate." I was so in awe of the trinket. "Whenever a wolf's mate wears this necklace, they are connected to them forever." I was so honoured to be in the same environment as such a meaningful piece of jewelery. "Melody Carter, will you accept my moon pendant?" He asked, as he grabbed my hand. "Yes! A thousand times yes!" I said, happily. Lunar smiled, and gently placed the pendant around my neck. "I love you so much, I promise I will always keep you safe, and to always support you through anything." He said, pulling me close. "I promise to do the same for you, and I love you too my wolfie." We kissed under the moonlight, it was sweet and sensual, with so much love it could fill the entire ocean. We sat there on the beach for awhile, wrapped in each others arms. My moon pendant sparkling in the moonlight.

That's how I met the love of my life :) This is Melody Carter signing off. 

The song used in this story is Let Me Be by Escape The Fate. All rights to the song belong to the band. 


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