

On a grassy hill top, under the light of a full moon. Stood a female wolf, softly howling at the moon. Only she wasn't an ordinary wolf, she was also a human girl. In her wolf form, she sat singing up at the moon. Her howls were almost sad sounding, but then they would shift to angry, and then they just sounded hurt. Cause to be honest this wolf girl was all those things, for a very long time. You see this wolf had lost a member of her pack, they were very special to her. They would run through the forest together, howling at moon, sharing stories. When she was in her human form, they would hug for hours. When she lost them, it was devastating. She was so hurt, and angry, and sad. This member was so cool to the wolf girl, she thought they were the most amazing person in the world. She spent a lot of her time, hating them, then missing them, then wondering if they were ok. All these thoughts ran through her head as she sang to the moon, taking deep breaths. Then she shifted back to human, pulled on the clothes she brought with her. Then she left the hill and walked down into the woods. As she walked, she couldn't help but feel like she had been followed. She would look over her shoulder every couple of steps, sensing a presence. Frightened, she starting running even shifting back to her wolf self, to run faster. But somehow the presence caught up with her, she stumbled over a log and landed with a huff. She shifted back, and looked up the person standing over her. Tears formed in her eyes when she saw who it was, the special member of her pack who she thought she had lost forever. "Hi" with just that one word, the wolf girl got up and hugged them close to her. "I thought I lost you forever, my heart hurt so much when I lost you." She sobbed into their chest. "I'm back, and I'm not letting go." She so wanted to believe it, but she was scared she would lose them again. "Look at me, I promise you I will never hurt you again, or leave you again. I love you." And dang it she still loved them, after all this time she still loved them. They spent the rest of the day running and hugging each other, the wolf girl for the first time in months smiled. Like really smiled, she wasn't hiding anymore, her heart had finally healed. That night when the moon came out, her in her wolf form, and her person next to her howled together. It was the most beautiful sound ever heard. 


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