

A Don't Shy Away Fanfic Oneshot

"Hey babe, would it be okay if I went over to my parents for a bit?" Vee asked Henry, one afternoon. "Yeah of course baby." He said, smiling. "Okay, I'm just gonna stop by for a bit and help my mom with her garden." Vee said, kissing Henry on the cheek. After she left, Henry decided to go for a little walk. "It's such a beautiful day, oh look there's a bunny!" He said, seeing the cute little animal. As he was walking, he saw some guys up ahead. Henry recognized them from school, it was the bullies that always picked on him. "Oh no, not today." He said, feeling uneasy. He was getting closer to them, and really hoped they didn't want to start anything. But as he walked by them, one of the guys said: "hey Letterman! Where's your little girlfriend? Did she dump you? Because you're too much of a wimp?" He said, then his friends laughed with him. "Just ignore them Henry, they aren't worth it." He said still walking. "Hey Letterman, I'm talking to you!" The guy said, catching up with Henry. He turned Henry around, and got right in his face. "What do you want Chris?" Henry asked annoyed. "Oh I don't want anything, except your girlfriend." That got Henry's attention. "Vee should be with a real guy, not some cry baby loser." Henry was starting to get mad, no one would take away the person he loved. "Well at least I'm not an aggressive jerk, who only cares about being with girls because it helps with their image!" Chris's friends, were all saying "oh burn!" Chris's nostrils flared, and he grabbed Henry by his shirt and lifted him off the ground. "You listen to me, Letterman. I will have your girlfriend one way or another, and you will not get in my way." Then he dropped Henry to the ground, smirking. "I will not let you take her away from me!" Henry punched Chris in the stomach, sending him doubled over and coughing. "You little piece of ****" Chris threw Henry to the ground again, and kicked him hard in the ribs. He did this, over and over again, until his friends stepped in. "hey dude, I think that's enough." One of them said. "yeah, what if someone sees?" Chris stopped, and then the group walked away. But before he left, Chris said: "You're so pathetic, I don't know what Vee sees in a weird, shy little guy like you." Then they walked off. Henry was in so much pain, both physical and emotional. "B-baby, I wish you were here." He said crying. Then as if the universe heard him, Vee came running over to him. "Oh my gosh, Henry! What happened?!" She asked, very concerned. "B-baby? Is that you?" Henry asked, still in a lot of pain. "I'm here baby boy, oh my God, are you hurt?" Vee asked, scared to touch him. "Y-yeah, it hurts really bad." Vee called 911, and an ambulance showed up. They went to the hospital, and unfortunately Vee had to wait in the waiting room, while they attended to Henry's injury. As she was waiting, Adam came into the room. "Oh hey Vee, what are you doing here?" He asked, walking over to her. "Um hi dr. Letterman." Vee said suddenly really nervous. "Hey, what did I tell you about calling me Adam?" He said playfully. "Right, um I don't know how to say this. Henry was hurt really bad today, they're checking him over right now." Adam's father instincts kicked in, and his hands balled into fists. "What happened?" He asked in a firm voice. "I don't really know, I wasn't there." Vee said. "What?! You're always with him, how could you not have been there?!" Adam yelled. Vee started to cry, and Adam felt bad. "Hey, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled like that. I'm sure you're very worried about him, like I am." Vee nodded, and pulled her knees up to her chest. Adam sat down next to her, and placed a hand on her back. "Henry's gonna get through this, he's a strong person. He's gonna need help, but I know you're gonna be there for him." This made Vee feel better. "Thanks, Adam." The two hugged, and waited for news on Henry's condition. After what felt like forever, the doctor that was looking over Henry came out. "Hello, are you Henry's girlfriend?" She asked, looking over at Vee. "Yeah I am, is he okay?" She asked, holding Adam's hand. "he's gonna be just fine, he does however have three broken ribs. We have his torso wrapped, to keep them stabilized. He's been asking for you, you can go see him if you want." The doctor said. "Okay, thank you." Vee and Adam both went to go see Henry. When they got there, it was heartbreaking. Henry was hooked up to an oxygen mask, to help him breathe, and had an IV in his arm. "My baby boy, I'm so sorry I wasn't there to protect you." Vee said, trying to keep herself from crying. "I-it's okay, baby. I'm happy you're here now." Henry said, a little raspy. It was hard to understand him through the mask. "Hey buddy, how are you feeling?" Adam asked his son, as he placed a hand on his leg. "Hey dad, I'm really sore, and tired but I'm okay." Adam smiled. "Okay buddy, well I gotta get back to work. You just rest okay? I love you." "I love you too dad." After Adam left, Vee sat down next to the bed and grabbed Henry's hand in hers. "I love you, and I'm so sorry you're in this state." Vee said. "Hey baby, it's not your fault. I'll be alright, just having you here is making me feel better." He said, squeezing her hand. Vee placed a kiss on his forehead, and smoothed out his hair. "I'm gonna let you rest now, but I promise I'll be here when you wake up. I love you so much Henry." Vee said, as she squeezed his hand. "I love you too baby, um will you lay down with me?" Henry asked, with a pleading tone. "Are you sure it's okay? I don't want to hurt you." Vee said. "It'll be okay, you know I sleep better with you next to me." Vee couldn't say no to that, so she carefully climbed in next to Henry. Making sure to not jostle around too much. "There you go, now come here my love." Vee, gently laid her head on Henry's shoulder, snuggling close. "Sleep well, my baby boy." Vee said, as she closed her eyes. "You too babygirl, I love you so much." With the sound of the heartmonitor, the couple fell asleep holding each other close. The End.


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