The Siren and The Werewolf

 The Siren and The Werewolf

Once upon a time, deep in the sea there lived a family of Sirens. Ferocious creatures with razor sharp teeth, and hypnotizing voices. They looked like something from a child's nightmare. Well most of them did anyway, there was one siren who was very beautiful. Her name was Sapphire, she had long navy blue hair, grey shimmery scales all over her body, pitch black eyes, webbed hands, and a long teal tail. She also wore a a navy blue seashell bra, and her voice was magical. Unlike the rest of her pod, Sapphire didn't want to lure anyone to their deaths. She had so much love for the surface world, and didn't want to hurt it. But she was expected to do it, because "that's what sirens are born to do" her pod would say. Whenever her pod would go to bed, Sapphire would go up to the surface and walk along the beach singing. Sirens have the ability to transform into humans when they're on land, so no one would suspect anything if they saw her. 

Beyond the beach and beyond the water, there was a forest. It had thick trees, and lots of little animals as well as big ones. There was a boy named Crescent, he was a werewolf. Had been since he was born, only he got separated from his pack when he was very little. He had lived in the forest alone ever since. Crescent was tall, and muscular, tan, with shaggy black hair, he had green eyes, and was very kind to all the other animals in the forest. It got lonely sometimes being alone, Crescent knew about the beach on the other side of the forest. But he never had the courage to step onto it, he was worried about being seen by the wrong people. Still he wondered what it looked like, and if the sand felt soft. He loved to swim, maybe he could take a little dip in the water. But for now he kept his distance, not wanting to take the risk.

All these years, these two amazing creatures never knew the other existed. Until one day everything changes. This is how two unlikely beings fell in love, despite how different they are. Here is their story.

It was a beautiful evening, the moon was out it was full and shining so bright. Sapphire was waiting for the right moment to go up to the surface, she did this as often as she could. Finally her pod was asleep, she made her way up to the surface. Walking onto the soft beach was always so refreshing for Sapphire, she felt like her best self up there. When Sapphire was on the shore, her tail turned into a beautiful blue dress and her eyes went to seafoam green and she actually had pupils. Her hair remained the same, but her scales faded away into pale moon skin. She swayed in time with the waves, singing her heart out. "ah, ah, ah, ah." It was a very beautiful and haunting sound, able to hypnotize someone no matter how far away they were. There is a catch though, her powers don't work on other creatures. Only humans. To other creatures her voice just sounds like regular singing, but if it's a human it puts them in a trance. While Sapphire was enjoying herself on the shore, Crescent had transformed by the light of the full moon and was in his wolf form. Running through the forest, feeling himself. Only something had caught his attention, he stopped to listen to the sound. It sounded like singing, curious Crescent walked further and further out of the forest wondering where that beautiful sound was coming from. When he came to the border between the forest and the beach, he was hesitant to keep going. But something inside him told him to find out who the voice belonged to, so taking a deep breath Crescent for the first time in his life stepped out of the forest. 

As he edged closer to the beach, the sound grew louder. "ah, ah, ah, ah." The gorgeous voice sang, Crescent had never heard anything more beautiful in his life, it was like something out of a fairy tale. That's when he saw her, she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Crescent had never been around many humans, sometimes hunters would come through his forest but he chased them off. But seeing this beautiful creature, under the light of the full moon. He was mesmerized. Sapphire felt like she was being watched, and became weary. She decided that was enough surface time for the night and dashed back into the water. As she sank down her feet turned back into a tale, and she swam off. Crescent saw her transform, and his mouth hung open. "Oh my God, she's a siren?!" 

End of Part one :) 

Hope you like this one, I love werewolves and sirens a lot so I thought I would write a story about the two. This is kind of a star crossed lovers thing, I like writing romance especially about mythical beings! Stay tuned for part 2! 


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