The Music Nerd and The Book Worm

 The Music Nerd and The Book Worm

Jayden's POV

Hi there! my name is Jayden Cole, I'm a 16 year old girl in my junior year of high school. I have medium length brown hair, greenish eyes, blue square rimmed glasses, I'm also 5,7 and I dress emo. I also wear a beanie like all the time, I am what you would call a music nerd. I always have my headphones on, and I lip synch and dance through the hallways. And because of this people don't really talk to me, they think I'm weird. Which honestly I am, like that doesn't bother me, I mean it's the truth right? Anyway, this is my story. It's my first day of junior year, I've been with these people for almost three years now. No one has noticed me once, I mean sure they give me weird looks as I skip or dance down the halls. But they don't really know me, anyway I'm on my way to vocal class right now. It's my favourite class, because I get to sing and listen to music. Okay I'm walking in now, oh there's a new kid in this class. He's reading a book, no one is making the effort to introduce themselves to him. They're all off in their own world, gossiping with their friends. I walk over to him, and sit down next to him. Taking off my headphones, I gently tap him on the shoulder. "Hey, I'm Jayden." I say sticking out my hand for him to shake. "Oh hi, I'm Marshal. I just transferred here." He said a little startled by my presence. "Oh that's cool, what ya reading?" I asked him, curious. "Werewolves of Bristol Manor." My eyes went wide! "OMG I love that book! Werewolves are so cool, Motionless in White have a song called werewolf it's so good! And the music video is freaking fantastic!" I said excitedly. "Oh sorry got a bit carried away there, I really love music and sometimes can't shut up about it." I said sheepishly. "It's okay, I admire your passion." Marshal said with a shy smile. "So why did you decide to take vocal class?" I asked him. "Well my parents thought it would be good for me to get out of my comfort zone and try something new. So here I am." Okay, this guy is seriously precious. "Oh well, this is a great class. It's actually my favourite class, I love to sing as you can imagine." "I'm sure you're really good." I blushed so hard at the comment, I thought my face would melt off! The class started, and I was taking out my sheet music. "Hey you can share mine if you want, Mrs. Ingrid doesn't like to make copies." He gladly accepted, and we peered over the words together. "Alright class, as I'm sure you're all aware we have a new student this semester." Mrs. Ingrid told the class. "I'm you will all get along just fine, especially since we're doing duets this year." I was excited about this, I have always wanted to sing a duet with someone! Vocal was the last class of the day today, so before I headed home I walked into the music room. I wanted to practice our song by myself for a bit. "On the outside always looking in, will I ever be more than I've always been. While I'm tap, tapping on the glass! Waving through a window oh." We were doing a dear Evan Hansen song, which I didn't mind I love that song. I just wish we could have done one of my favourite songs, like If It Means That Much To You by A Day To Remember. That song is fantastic! Anyway, while I was practicing I got this strange feeling I was being watched.

Marshal's POV

Hi I'm Marshal Johnson, I'm 5,11, I have Shaggy light brown hair, grey eyes, I usually wear a t-shirt and jeans, and I always have my nose in a book. Oh I'm also a 16 year boy, I just transferred to a new school. Yeah in my junior year, I don't mind that much though. It's not like I had many friends at my old school. My parents really wanted me to try to make friends this year, so to step outside my comfort zone I signed up for a class I never had before. Which was vocal class. But I didn't expect the most interesting girl I ever met, to walk in and start a conversation with me. Well it's the end of the day now, and as I'm walking out to leave. I hear this voice coming from down the hall, so I decide to investigate. I hear the voice coming from this room with a bunch of instruments in it, and as I peer inside I see Jayden singing. Her voice is so pretty, I felt my heart speed up at the sight of her singing with such passion. I could tell she really loved to sing, and seeing her like that made me smile. Oh shoot I think she felt my presence, I guess I should head home now. 

Jayden's POV

On my way home from school, I saw Marshal waking up the street. I ran to catch up with him, "Hey dude!" I said as I walked next to him. "Oh hey, it's nice to see you again." He said shyly. "You too! How was your first day?" I asked him. "Oh it was alright, meeting you was the highlight of my day." I was screaming inside, no one had ever noticed me like this before. "Well I'm glad I made such a good impression on you." I said with a smile. We walked in comfortable silence for a few minutes, when Marshal turned to me. "Hey do you think you could help me with our group song, for vocal class? I don't know much about music, and could really use your help." I was ecstatic! "Of course, I would love to help you! You can come by my place if you want?" He nodded, as we made it back to my place. "Well here we are, my parents work late, so they won't be home for awhile." I said as we went up to my room. "You have a really cool room." Marshal said looking around at all my band posters, and lyric murals on my walls. "Thanks! Oh and help yourself to anything in the fridge." I said as I sat down on my bed. "Okay, how much do you know about singing?" 

2 months later-Jayden's POV

It's been 2 months since Marshal and I met, and we've become really good friends! He's the sweetest guy, and has gotten into more music thanks to me. And he has filled me in on a lot of video game lore, as well as his favourite books. "Marshal!" I yelled as I ran into his arms. "hey bestie!" He said. "We still on for later?" I asked, we had plans to go the music store after school today to pick out some CDs. "Of course we're still on!" I smiled, then hugged him one more time before rushing to my English class. At lunch I was looking around the cafeteria, trying to find Marshal but I didn't see him anywhere. "I hope he's okay." I thought to myself. Then I thought maybe he had to stay behind for a few minutes after one of his classes, and was just running late. So I sat at our usual spot, and waited for him. While I waited I listened to the song we picked as ours, which is Post Modern Anxiety by All Time Low. Marshal instantly loved that one when I showed it to him, and danced around his room. Then after we decided to make it our song, since we both loved it so much. Still no sign of Marshal, I was starting to get worried.

Marshal's POV

I was on my way to lunch, when I get shoved into some lockers. I looked up to see, these guys staring down at me. "Stay away from Jayden." One of them said. "She's mine." Then he walked away. Terrified, I ran out of the school at ate my lunch in the court yard. 

Jayden's POV

I was really starting to worry about Marshal, he wasn't even answering my texts. I decided to go search for him. I looked all over the school, trying to find him. "maybe he went outside." I walked out into the court yard, and there he was sitting on one of the bench's eating his lunch. "Hey dude, why aren't you answering my texts? And why didn't you meet me in the cafe?" I asked sitting down next to him. "I'm sorry Jay, I was a little shaken up." Curious I wanted to know more. "What happened?" I asked. "Well I was on my way to see you, but then these jerks checked me into the lockers. One of them told me to stay away from you." I was furious, I knew exactly who the guy was. "Oh you must mean Cody, he's my older cousin and is very protective of me. He shouldn't have shoved you like that." I put my hand on his shoulder, and looked him in the eyes. "You don't have to worry about him, he comes near you again and I'll tell him off." I said with a wink. Marshal relaxed at my words, and smiled. "Hey it's actually a lot nicer out here, how about we make this our official lunch spot?" I asked. "Sure." After lunch was over, I was sitting in my creative writing class. Only I wasn't writing, I was doodling little hearts and Marshal's name in my notebook. I had a huge crush on Marshal, but I'm too scared to tell him. The more time I spend with him, the more I keep falling for him. Plus he treats me so well, and is so caring. I spend the rest of the class day dreaming about him.

Marshal's POV

Why can't I stop thinking about her? Jayden is the most amazing person I ever met. The moment she sat next to me and introduced herself, I knew she was different than other girls. Plus she's so cute with her skeleton hoodie and her beanie. She had these bracelets that said different things on them, I loved her style. She didn't care about being different, she was just her. I think I have feelings for her, like more than just a friend feelings. Also she's beautiful, and sweet, and so passionate about music. I love hearing her talk about her favourite bands and artists, the stuff she picks up on is next level. When I see her in the hallways, rocking out with her headphones on my heart skips a beat. I want to tell her how I feel, but I'm so scared she won't feel the same way. I don't want to ruin our friendship. I think about her on my walk home, wondering what could happen.

Later at the music store-Jayden's POV

"OMG they actually have it!" I squealed seeing Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge by MCR in CD form. "I'm so getting this, okay let's pick one out for you bestie!" I said leading him around the store. We passed by so many CDs, but I couldn't find what I was looking for. "Hey Jay, what about this?" Marshal asked holding up a copy of Silverstein's first album. "Marshal that's perfect for you!" I said excitedly! We bought the CDs, and walked around the mall for a bit. We went into Toys R Us, because Marshal wanted to get a new video game. We were walking around, and then Marshal pulled me over to the plushies. He picked one out and handed it to me. "I know you said you love dinosaurs, so would it be okay if I got this for you?" I was in shock. "You would do that for me?" I asked amazed. "Of course, I would do anything for you." "It is really cute, I love it thank you." After Marshal found the game he wanted, he paid for the plush and the game then we went home. "see you tomorrow, girl." He said as we hugged goodbye. "See you dude!" That night I was so overstimulated with everything that happened that day, because Marshal is so sweet. I almost couldn't handle it! As I held the plush he bought for me tight, I imagined what it would be like to kiss him and hold his hand. Go on dates, and sit under the stars. "I have to tell him." 

The Next Day-Jayden's POV

It was Saturday, was Marshal was coming over for a sleepover! I was so excited, it's been a long time since I've had a sleepover. I was picking out my outfit for the day, when I got a text from Marshal. "Hey bestie! I'm super excited for tonight, I have to run some errands with my parents then I'll come over! :)" I smiled at the text, he was so freaking cute! I came downstairs to see my parents having breakfast. "Hey sweetheart, did you sleep well?" My mom asked as I got some cereal. "yeah I did, Marshal and I had so much fund yesterday!" I said smiling at the memory. "You really like this boy don't you?" My mom said with a smirk. "I really do, but I don't know how to tell him." I said. "Does he treat you right? He's not pressuring you is he?" My dad asked, with his protective tone. "No, no, nothing like that. He's a really sweet guy, a gentleman. He would never do anything like that." My dad nodded, "good, because if he does anything to hurt you, I'm gonna hurt him!" I hugged my dad, I loved how protective he is of me. I spent the majority of the day, practicing my singing and working on my novel. Because I'm also a writer, so I always am trying to write something. I hear a knock at the front door, and scramble to stand up. I save my work, and run to answer the door. "Marshmallow!" that was my nickname for him. "Hey Jay, I'm so excited for tonight!" He said coming inside the house, with his red sleeping bag. "oh, Marshal these are my parents, mom and dad this is Marshal." I introduced them. "it's nice to meet you sweetheart, Jayden has told us so much about you." I blushed when she said that. "mom." I said in an embarrassed tone. "What it's true." Then my dad stood up to meet him. "Hello young man, how are you?" "I'm alright sir, it's nice to meet you." Marshal said, although a little shaky. "You kids have fun, just not too much fun you got that?" Marshal gulped and nodded. "Of course sir, don't worry I would never pressure her into doing anything she's not comfortable with." Satisfied with the answer, my dad went back into living room. Marshal and I went up to my room to set up. "okay, you can lay down your sleeping bag right next to my bed here." I said. Marshal got his stuff settled, then we went into full swing. First we played just dance, (I won) then Marshal taught me how to play one of his favourite games. (I wasn't that good, but it was still fun) Then we sang our lungs out to karaoke, that was really fun. Finally we settled down to watch a movie, with all the snacks! We watched The Corpse Bride, because it was one of my favourite movies and Marshal had never seen it. (He loved it) It was getting late, so we started to get ready for bed. "You can change in the bathroom if you want." I said to him. "okay, thanks I'll be right back." While Marshal changed, I did as well. Then when he came out, I went to brush my teeth. 

Marshal's POV

While Jayden brushed her teeth, I made myself comfortable on the floor. So many thoughts were going through my head, she was so cool and fun. Plus seeing her smile, was one of the most beautiful things. I want to keep her smiling, seeing her happy makes me happy. Oh she's coming out of the bathroom, okay just be cool dude be cool! She sits down on the bed, and turns off the light. "I like your PJs man, Spider-Man is like one of my favourite superheroes!" She just keeps getting cooler! "thanks, I like yours too. Jack Skellington is so cool." She smiled, that gorgeous smile of hers. "Well goodnight dude, sweet dreams." She said then turned off the light. "Goodnight bestie." About twenty minutes later, I was still awake. I couldn't sleep at all, I look over at her and see that she's sound asleep. "She looks so cute when she sleeps." I thought to myself, seeing her all cozy like that. Then something unexpected happened, Jayden started squirming, then she started thrashing. She was having a nightmare! I heard her cry out for help, I got on her bed and tried to shake her awake. "Jay, wake up it's a bad dream, wake up!" Jayden's eyes flew open, and she was shaking. "Marshal?" She asked with fear in her voice. "I'm here bestie, it's okay." I said in a gentle tone. She fell into my arms, and started sobbing. "It's okay, you're alright, you're safe." I said stroking her hair. "It was so real." She croaked out, holding onto me for dear life. "Nothing's gonna hurt you while I'm here okay?" She nodded, then buried her head in my chest. Holding her so close to me like this, I know there's nothing I wouldn't do for her. I want to protect her from the world, she's so precious to me. "There's something I want to tell you, and I don't know if this is going to ruin things between us or not. But I can't keep this secret anymore." I said once she had calmed down. "What is it?" I took a deep breath, I was so nervous. "Jayden, when we met on the first day of the semester. There was something special about you, you were the only one who actually wanted to talk to me." She's staring at me with such wonder, she's so beautiful. "You're so cool, and smart, and funny. I love how much you know about music and animals, you're love of space, you're so sweet too." I saw her blush, and proceeded. "What I'm trying to say is, I like you as more than just a friend. I have since the first day of school, and if this ruins things between us than I'll completely understand." "But just know that, you mean so much to me and I don't want to lose you." The tears flowed down her face again, she grabbed my hand. "I like you too, I have since the day we met. You are so sweet to me, and so funny, you're so smart." I was so shocked she actually liked me back! "So what happens now?" I asked. "We could kiss?" She said. We leaned into each other, and shared our first kiss. "That was my first kiss." She said in bewilderment. "I kissed a boy!" She was so happy, and adorable. "It was my first kiss too, your lips are so soft." We kissed again, then snuggled under the covers as we both fell asleep. "Are we a couple now?" I asked. "We are, and I couldn't be happier." She said kissing my forehead. "I like cuddling with you." Best night of our lives.

That's it for this story, if you would like a part 2 let me know. Maybe I would write one if other people would like to see where these two go from here. I hope you enjoy this story, this one I think is better than my last one. I'm gonna workshop the other one, see what I come up with. So yeah hope you like it :) 


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