

Hi, my name is Zoe Blade. I'm a 20 year old woman, I have short black hair that covers my eyes, black rimmed square glasses, greenish eyes, I'm 5,7 and of average build. I'm also emo, and always have my headphones on. I don't care if people call me emo, that's what I am. To me that's not an insult, anyway. Today isn't all about me, I'm here to talk about my best friend Zeke Layson. He's amazing, it feels like only yesterday we met. That was the best day of my life, because I made a friend I knew I could trust. 


I was sitting alone in the park, writing in my journal while listening to my playlist. I was lost in thought, so I couldn't hear what was going on around me. I felt someone tap my shoulder, and it startled me. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." The stranger said. When I looked up, I saw the coolest guy I ever laid eyes on. He had hair red with black streaks that covered one of his eyes, but the eye I could see was so blue I could drown in it. He also had a lip ring, and an eyebrow piercing both black. He had on black and red skinny jeans, with rips at the knees. A pair of black converse, with bands names written on the sides. I also noticed the long lines of band bracelets, and a pair of fingerless gloves. He had on a sleeping with sirens t-shirt on, which I found intriguing. He must have caught me staring, because he smiled and chuckled softly at me. "You're really cool." I blurted out not thinking. "hehe, thanks." He said and looked down. "mind if I sit here?" He asked. I nodded and moved over. "what are you listening to?" "Black veil Brides." I said with a smile. "I love Black veil Brides!" he said excitedly. "what's your favourite song?" "I really love Carolyn, I think it's so beautiful." I said. "I love that song too." We sat in silence for awhile, me still writing in my journal and he just sitting there looking awesome. "What's your name?" "oh it's Zoe, Zoe Blade." I said shyly. "Nice to meet you Zoe, I'm Zeke, Layson." 

End of Flashback

That was a wonderful day, now here we are three years later still besties. Only Zeke has bright green hair now, and I have blue streaks in my hair. The two of us are back in the park, and Zeke is doing tricks on the skate ramps. "hey Zoe watch this!" Zeke said as he skated by. I put down my journal, and watched him closely. "Woo! Go Zeke!" I shouted from the sidelines. Zeke was perched on one of the railings, ready to do a trick. He pushed off, and popped the board up with his feet. Only something went wrong, when Zeke came back down, he missed the railing and landed hard on the ramp. His board went flying in the opposite direction, and Zeke was screaming in pain on the floor of the ramp. "Zeke!" I yelled and ran toward him. "are you ok?" I bent down next to him, my hands hovering. I was scared to touch him. "I think I broke my arm." He groaned out. He tried to move it, but winced and cried out. "oh Zeke, don't worry we're gonna get you help." I saw tears form in his eyes, and I knew he must have been in severe pain. I had never seen Zeke cry before. "Zeke, it's gonna be ok. I know you're scared and in a lot of pain. But it's going to be alright." I pulled Zeke towards me, and tried to calm him down, as I called the ambulance. I rode with him to the hospital, never letting go of his hand. When we got to the hospital, I had to wait in the waiting area while they took X-rays of Zeke's arm. Thirty minutes later, Zeke has a cast on his arm and some pain meds. I took Zeke back to my place, where he could spend the night. I could keep a better eye on him that way. "here we are Zeke, do you want something to eat? Or take a nap?" I asked as he sat on the couch. "No thanks sweetheart." He said. "Can we just cuddle?" I nodded, and grabbed a blanket to put over us. "here we go, how's that?" "Perfect, thank you my emo bestie." I smiled at laid my head on his chest. We stayed like that for the rest of the night, knowing we would keep each other safe. No matter what happens, we're always on each other's sides.

And that's how Zeke and I became friends. Hey Zeke here, yup that's how we became inseparable. I don't know what I'd do without her. Aww Zeke, that's so sweet. You're my best friend in the whole world. And you're mine my bestie for life. Bye everyone! 

(this story is about my imaginary friend Zeke, and he dresses like I describe) 


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