Who knew the skatepark could be romantic? sick day

 Who Knew the Skatepark Could be Romantic? Sick Day

"Hey babe, I'm back! Sorry my publishing meeting ran long." Lyric said as she came in the house. "babe? You home?" She said, a little worried. Lyric went upstairs to their bedroom, and there she found her boyfriend sound asleep on the bed. "aww babe" Lyric said fondly. Coltrane started to wake up, and Lyric noticed that his eyes were cloudy and glazed over. Actually he was really pale and shaking. "hey baby." he said weakly. "Oh my gosh babe, are you sick?" Lyric placed a hand on Coltrane's head and hissed at the heat coming off him. "oh my gosh you're burning up Colt!" She said smoothing the blue hair from his face. "I don't feel good." "my poor boy, don't worry I'll make you feel better." Lyric grabbed a bunch of stuff that she thought would help Coltrane feel better, a hot water bottle, medicine for nausea, a cool cloth, a fever reducer, and the plushie she got him for their 3 month anniversary. "here you go my love." "you're too good to me baby." After Lyric had Coltrane take his medicine, and have some water. She cuddled in beside him, having him lay on her chest. "Hey baby, could you please rub my belly? I know it's a weird request, but it just really hurts right now." Lyric could feel her heart break, she hated seeing her boy in pain. It brought her back to the first time she saw him in pain.


It was at the skatepark, it had become their special place. Coltrane was shredding it on the ramps, doing all kinds of tricks, and there was Lyric cheering from the sidelines. Everything seemed to be ok, until it wasn't. Coltrane miscalculated one of his landings, and skidded down the ramp hard. "Colt!" Lyric ran over to him, and saw he was holding his arm. "Oh babe." Coltrane had horrible road rash all the way up his right arm, and it was cracked and bleeding. "don't worry it will be ok." They went to the hospital, where they patched him up and sent the couple home with some antibiotic cream. Coltrane was still in a lot of pain though. "it burns baby." "I know my love, it will be alright." Lyric helped Coltrane treat his road rash, and soon enough he was back on the ramps, killing it as usual. 

End of flashback

"Of course I'll rub your belly babe, anything to help you feel better." Lyric lifted up Coltrane's shirt, and gently rubbed circles on his aching tummy. "That feels good my sweet girl, thank you." "You're welcome my love." Coltrane eventually fell asleep, a few minutes later Lyric also drifted off. She hoped her boy would feel better when he woke up. An hour went by, as they both slept. But Lyric felt Coltrane shift under her, he let out a little whimper. "babe? you alright?" She asked her love. "I'm fine baby, my tummy is just really churning." Lyric smiled sympathetically, and offered him her hand. "I'm sorry you feel so bad babe." "it's alright princess, you're doing the best you can for me. I'm so thankful for all you do." Lyric melted right there on the spot, even sick Colt still managed to be so cute. "ow, oh no I don't feel good, I feel like I'm gonna be sick." Panicked, Lyric grabbed the trash can and held it under her boyfriend. "It's alright babe, just let it out." Colt's breathing picked up, and he was shaking. "hey babe, look at me. You're ok, you'll feel better after you get it out of your system." "I'll rub your back, will that help?" Colt nodded at the same time his stomach lurched. After his throwing up episode, Colt was really shaky and his fever rose. "Here's a cool cloth, this might help with the fever." Lyric gently placed it on his forehead, kissing him in the process. "thank you baby, my tummy still really hurts do you think you could rub it again?" Lyric couldn't say no to him, and began to rub circles on his sick belly. "here my love have some water, I don't want you to get dehydrated." Lyric helped him drink it, then pulled him close to her. Because cuddles always help. "I love you baby, thanks for taking care of me." "you're welcome my sweet boy, I love you too. I'll always take care of you." They slowly fell asleep in each other's arms, feeling safe and warm. After a few days, Colt felt better and to celebrate they had a music listening date. 

The End

ok I'll admit it Coltrane is my dream boyfriend, there I said it. lol 


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