The Girl in The Water

 The Girl In The Water

Once upon a time, in a Kingdom near the ocean. There lived a young prince, named Riley. He was tall, tan, had long curly hair, brown eyes, and always dressed untraditionally. Riley also had a passion for music, and would often go down to the shore to play their guitar. Then after he would play, Riley would jump into the ocean and swim. For they had always loved the water, when he was a child they're parents couldn't keep him out of it. They had always warned him about the dangerous creatures lurking in the water, specifically mermaids. Riley's parents always said how mermaids would pull people who swam in their oceans down into the bottom where they drowned them. But Riley didn't believe that, for he couldn't understand how such beautiful and magnificent creatures could be bad. Riley would even collect the treasures the mermaids would leave behind, like sea glass, and shells. But now that Riley was of age to be the next king, there was pressure on them to find a girl and settle down. But the truth was all the girls in his Kingdom were the same, they were superficial and stuck up. Riley wasn't into that. "I just wish Mom and Dad would understand me." They said to his friend Evan, a stable boy. "I know Riley, but they just want what's best for you." "and maybe they're right, maybe the mermaids really do want to kill humans." Riley shook his head at that, "I refuse to believe that's true." They said walking off to the shore. As Riley was sitting by the shore deep in thought, something caught their attention. In the faint distance, he heard someone singing. It was the most beautiful sound the young prince had ever heard! Captivated by the melodic voice, Riley took off toward where it was coming from. Riley came to a stop next to this giant rock, and on the rock was a beautiful girl. She had short brown hair, a light blue seashell bra, green sea weed with clear beach glass was around her eyes almost like glasses, and greenish grey eyes. She was very pale, and the sun was making it look like she was glowing. "hi, I love your singing." Riley said to the girl. The girl was startled and jumped off the rock, as she did a gorgeous navy blue fish tail arched behind her. And she dove under the water. "she's a mermaid!" 

"You should have seen her Evan!" She was beautiful, the look in her eyes was amazing. And her voice was the most heavenly sound I have ever heard!" Riley explained to the stable boy. "she sounds great, what's her name?" Evan asked. "well I don't know, I accidently scared her and then she dove into the water." "whoa, whoa, whoa, what do you mean she dove into the water?" Evan asked alarmed. "oh I didn't even tell you the best part, she's a mermaid!" Riley said with a sigh. "oh my gosh you saw an actual mermaid?!" "yeah! And she's wonderful, I have to see her again." Riley said, determined to find the beautiful mermaid again. "are you nuts? She could kill you!" Evan said, concerned for the prince. "I don't think she would kill me, after seeing how scared she was when she saw me." Well Evan knew there was no stopping him, so he hugged the prince goodbye and wished them luck. That night while everyone in the palace was asleep, Riley took a boat out onto the water to search for the girl who had stolen his heart. Once they were far enough out in the water, Riley remembered the tune the mermaid sang, and started to strum it on their guitar. Under the water the mermaid poked her head up, to listen to the person play. She was captivated by the instrument, and smiled at the prince. Sensing there was someone watching him, the prince looked over the side of their boat. "it's you! Don't be scared I won't hurt you." Riley gently told the mermaid. Slowly the mermaid showed herself more, and pulled herself up onto the boat. "you're so beautiful, what's your name?" Riley asked the gorgeous creature in front of them. "my name is Gemma" Evan her speaking voice was pretty, it sounded like a bell. "that's a pretty name, I'm Riley it's nice to meet you." Gemma smiled shyly, her smile was so cute. "you too" They got to talking, and it was nice. "I'm sorry I took off so fast on the shore, I'm not used to humans." "It's ok, I understand." "I've never felt so safe with anyone like this before." Gemma said swishing her tail. "I promise you're safe, my sea princess." Gemma blushed, and Riley thought it was the cutest thing ever. They leaned into each other, Riley placed a hand on her face and they shared a passionate kiss. "That was my first kiss." Gemma admitted. "well was it good?" Riley asked. "it was amazing" They kissed again, feeling everything all at once. "I should go, my father will be wondering where I am." Gemma said squeezing Riley's hand. "will I see you again?" Riley said. "I promise you I will, my prince." They kissed one last time, and Gemma dove into the water. "wait Gemma, here take this so when we're apart, you'll always think of us." Riley gave her his guitar pick, and Gemma kissed it before diving into the water, waving goodbye with her tail. Riley knew they would see his mermaid again, they could feel it deep in their heart. 

This is kind of like a little mermaid fanfiction, only with the roles kind of reversed. 

I don't own the rights to the little mermaid, or Disney. 


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