The Stranger in the Woods

 The Stranger in the Woods

It all happened so fast, I was walking home from work one night. It was a late shift at the coffee shop, I had just gotten off and was making my way toward my apartment. As I was walking down the street, I couldn't help but feel like I was being watched. I heard something in the distance, and turned around. But there was nothing there, so I kept walking. I came across the woods and decided to take a short cut through them. The woods was always a spooky place, I dreaded going in them before, but I was tired and wanted the quickest way home as possible. As I wondered deeper into the dark woods, I heard a sound like a twig snapping. I jumped and turned around to see what it was, but again there was nothing there. I was really scared now and started running, but what I didn't know was that something was running after me...

The next day

I didn't get much sleep that night, I was on edge from what happened in the woods. Even though I never saw anything I knew something was watching me. Luckily I didn't have to work today, so I could take it easy. I decided to go for a little walk, to help clear my mind. I threw on a t-shirt, shorts, and my converse then headed out. I took the long way around, and just tried to breathe. I came across the clearing again, and I immediatley tensed up. "should I?" I thought aloud, "I mean it's not night time right now, maybe it's safer" I took a deep breath and walked into the woods once again. The surroundings defitinely looked more inviting, the trees were bright, and the grass and dirt were more vibrant. I found myself smiling, as I took in the fresh air, and listening to the birds. I was about 30 minutes into the woods, when I came across a stream. There was a fallen tree next to the stream, so I decided to sit down and collect my thoughts for a bit. Then I felt it again, that inecasapeable feeling of being watched! I turned to my left, and that's when I saw it! A huge wolf was staring at me! "ahhhhh!" I screamed in terror. The wolf was huge, with pitch black fur and red glowing eyes. I thought for sure it was going to attack me! But it just kept staring at me, like it's impressed by me. I slowly stood up from my seat, and started to back away. But the wolf followed my actions. "what do you want from me?" I asked the creature. The wolf didn't respond, just kind of cocked its head to the side. "do you want to hurt me?" I asked shakily. The wolf walked closer to me, and took a seat by my feet. I cautiously held out my hand, and the wolf sniffed it. I started to pet the creatures head, the fur so soft! Softer than usual, it almost felt like human hair. Then something incredible happened! The creature began to change, and right before my eyes the wolf had turned into a person! I was shocked, I couldn't believe an actual human being was also the wolf I was just petting! "wh-who are you?" I asked the stranger nervously. "don't be afraid, I'm not going to hurt you." They spoke with such a calming tone, it helped me relax. "are you a werewolf?" I asked still a little shaky. "I am, but you don't have to worry, I won't kill you. I could never hurt such a beautiful woman." I blushed and my heart rate sped up. They were very attractive, tanned skin, long curly hair, and their eyes. Holy crud I could get lost in those eyes, they weren't very muscular but I liked that. "It's going to be okay princess." I froze, I had heard those words before! My boyfriend used to call me that before he disappeared. Tears formed in my eyes when I looked back at the person standing before me, how could I have not recognized them until now? "b-babe?" I asked crying. "It's me baby" I ran into his arms and just cried. "I thought I lost you." I sobbed into their arms. "I was bitten, while walking home to you that night I went missing. I knew I couldn't let you see me like that, so I've been hiding out in these woods watching you from afar, hoping that one day you would come and see me." "I've missed you so much, life hasn't been the same without you." I held him tighter, I never wanted to let go. "I'm not leaving you again, I promise." They stroked my hair and very slowly we both leaned in for a kiss, a kiss so passionate and full of love that time itself seemed to slow down. I was finally reunited with my person, I felt whole again.

The End


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