Jack and Sally's Children

 Jack and Sally's Children

Hello, my name is Tomb. I'm the oldest child of the King and Queen of Halloween town, which makes me the prince. I'm half skeleton and half rag doll, which means I'm both bone and cloth. I have pitch black hair, short but long enough it covers one of my eyes. I wear a tuxedo that's similar to my dad's, except instead of a cat bowtie I have a squirrel skull one. Then there's my siblings, Raven who's 2 years younger than me. She's a great dancer, and has our mother's rose coloured yarn hair, and our dad's eyes. She wears a bow in her hair, and a pumpkin coloured dress. And lastly, our youngest sibling Blade. She's 5 years old, but a real daredevil. Also instead of a dress she wears cut up dark denim jeans, and a cat t-shirt. Her hair is black and red, and has bony fingers but cloth feet. Well those are my sisters, and me. I'm seventeen years old, and heir to the pumpkin throne. My dad says I'll make an excellent ruler, but I'm not sure. I don't have much experience in being in charge, I mean I've babysat my sisters before but nothing like what my parents do. "hey my little demon boy, is everything ok?" My mom asks as she enters my room. "I'm fine mom, just thinking about the future." She sits next to me, and puts her soft cloth hands on my shoulders. "You're going to do just fine ruling this town Tomb, your father and I have raised you to be a strong, confident, ghastly man. I know you'll make the Skellington family proud." Then she kissed my head, and gave me a hug. "now come down for dinner, I made your favourite spider soup!" Mom said with a wink. I sighed then went downstairs to join my family. "Tomby!" Blade said as she ran into my arms. "hey squirt" I said picking her up. "look what I caught today!" Blade showed my a dead rat she had caught and killed herself. "great job kiddo" she smiled than ran back to the table. "There's my boy!" my dad said embracing me. "hey dad, how's work?" "oh just fine, you know gotta keep everything in check for next Halloween!" My dad has always been eccentric, and spoke with enough passion to rattle your bones. But that's what I loved about him, he was different and that's what makes him special. I sat down next to Raven, who had her head in a book. I gently tapped her on the shoulder, and she looked up at me. "hey sis, how are you?" I asked. She signed that she was okay, and was reading a great book. Raven was born with a rare birth defect, she didn't have vocal chords so she couldn't speak. But she can still hear, so she signs as a way of talking. After dinner, I went back to my room and got my guitar out. I'm a musician, well at least I want to be. But my parents wouldn't go for it, they're counting on me to take their place when the time comes. But it's not what I want to do with my life. I wish I could find the courage to tell them, but they wouldn't understand. There was a knock at my door, it was Raven. "come in" I told her. She signed "what are you doing?" I smiled at her, and patted a spot on my bed next to me. She sat down, and I started strumming. It was a song I wrote for her when she was born, and it was her favourite. After I finished playing Raven snuggled up to me and wrapped her arms around me, she was the only person I told about my dream, and she supported me. "you wanna sleep in here tonight?" Raven nodded getting under the covers. Raven had night terrors sometimes, and was scared to fall asleep by herself. We were both comfy, and were about to drift off when we both heard pattering on the floor. A moment later Blade comes running in, and jumps on the bed. "are we having a sleepover?" she asked with wide eyes. "absolutely, you go grab your demon doll and join us okay?" Blade happily went to get her doll, then came back jumping n the bed. We all got settled, and slowly drifted off to sleep. Meanwhile: "Jack, I don't think Tomb is ding well" Sally told her husband. "what do you mean my dear?" "well he seems really down, I think he might be worried about being king" Jack thought about it, and realized that he did notice his son seemed sadder than usual. "maybe your right my princess of darkness, maybe we should check on him" Jack and Sally made their way up to Tomb's room. When they opened the door, they saw all their children, cuddled in bed together. "aww, aren't they disgusting my love?" Sally said to her husband lovingly. "they sure are dear, our little heck raisers." They kissed each of their children on the head, then went back to their room falling asleep in each others arms. The End 


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