International Women's Day 2023

 International Women's Day 2023

Hello world! Happy women's day! This is such an important day to celebrate and appreciate women, and strive for gender equality! It's 2023 and women still get paid less than men, even when it's the same job! It's not right, women work just as hard as men and yet we get the short end of the stick. That's not all, women are still sometimes seen as second class citizens. We still get judged for having our periods, or when we get too emotional about things. News Flash, everyone has emotions and feelings! It's not something to be ashamed of, same with periods they are a natural thing that happens and we can't control it! So stop being grossed out by them, and help us through them instead. Women are also objectified by ignorant people who can't see past what's on the surface, yes we're beautiful but that's not all we are! We are also smart, brave, courageous, strong, independent, confident, impressive creations and should be treated with respect! We are so much more than just a pretty face, and another thing I hate is society's idea of what a women is supposed to be. They think that women are only supposed to have children, and be housewives, well it's not the freaking 1950s anymore, women can be whatever they want to be! That being said, if you are a woman and want to be a mom or a stay at home wife that's okay! I'm just saying that there's so much more you can do as well, you can have children and still have a successful career. If someone tells you, you can't do something just because you're a woman, prove them wrong! Women can do anything men can do, all you have to do is try! So to all my fellow women out there, I want you all to remember: You're beautiful, smart, strong, capable, independent, and everything else in between! I love you all, who run the world? GIRLS! One last thing, there's no right or wrong way to be a woman, as long as you're true to yourself that's all that matters. Don't let anyone tell you you're worthless, and don't let anyone use you for just your body. 

Happy Women's Day! :) 


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