

Hey everyone, I'm just in a writing mood tonight so I thought I would write a short story! I spent a lot  of time writing about romance, because that's something I really wanted and now that I have it, it's more than I ever thought it could be! I still like writing romances which is what this one is going to be about, so sit back relax, and enjoy! 

A long time ago in a small town, in Ohio there lived a young girl. She was bright, pretty, kind, compassionate, sweet, and loving. She had such a big heart, which was often taken for granted by people. Her name was Luna, she had long pitch black hair, crystal blue eyes, a lovely smile, she was on the shorter side, and always wore black, as well as a silver moon necklace. Luna wasn't just any girl, she had special abilities. When the moon is full, and the stars are twinkling Luna becomes a dark angel, she spreads is black feathery wings wide, and a matching halo appears on her head. With her angel powers she can heal the sick, help people find love, and turn nightmares into dreams. Dark angels always get a bad reputation, because people think they're angels of death. But that's not true, they're very caring and just want to help those in need. Luna was born a dark angel, and was sent to earth when she was just 13 years old. Now at the age of 19, Luna has become a very great angel. Her favourite thing to do is help people find love, but while watching the smiles on the faces of those she's helped, and how close they are. Luna starts to feel left out, she would like to find someone to love as well. But being a dark angel, it's a little difficult to meet people. During the day Luna is seen as a freak, a weirdo, someone to be feared. She thinks it's impossible for someone like her to find love, at least that's what she thought until one faithful day. While on her nightly watch, Luna was using her magic to remove the nightmares from some children, when out of the corner of her eye, she saw a shadowy figure. Curious, Luna left the home and went to investigate. "hey who's there?" Luna called out to the figure. When the person came into view, Luna was shocked. The person was beautiful, tanned skin, hazel eyes, thick curly hair, and was dressed in layers. "I have to go" the person said and dashed into the woods. Luna flew after him, beating her wings as hard as she could. When the person stopped running, Luna landed in a clearing with the perfect view of the full moon. There in the middle of the clearing, in the moonlight was the person. Only the person seemed to be in distress, they were shaking and holding their sides as if in pain. It took everything in Luna not to help this poor soul, but she had to stay strong wanting to see what happens. Suddenly the moans from the person turned into growls, their feet turned into paws, and their eyes glowed red. Frightened Luna ran back to the town, but the creature was right behind her! The creature chased her for a few miles, but Luna's wings were getting tired. She wasn't paying attention to where she was going, and flew into a fence. "ow" Luna injured her wing, unable to fly home. The creature was closing in on her, almost going in for the kill. When there was a whimper, Luna looked up at the creatures face to find it contorted in pain. Caustiously, Luna stepped closer to the creature. "hey wants wrong big guy?" Luna asked gently. The creature whimpered and limped over to her, Luna could see that while they were running the creature had injured its paw. "oh you poor thing." Luna said petting the creature's head. Using her healing powers Luna placed her hands over the paw, and in no time the creature was healed. Very grateful for her help, the creature licked her face as a thank you. Than it transformed back into a person, and once again Luna was speechless. "thank you for helping me." They said. "of course, it's what I do." Luna said with a shy smile. "I've been watching you for awhile Luna Raven, you have a special gift. I really like you, and think you're beautiful." Luna blushed, and stared at the ground. "aww, thank you. You're also very pretty." The person looked down, and gave a soft laugh. "well you would be the first one to think so, I've been seen my whole life as a monster." They said looking down. "which is why we can't be together, I don't want to hurt you." Then they took off again, leaving Luna alone with her thoughts. From that night on, the person/creature kept their distance from the only woman they ever loved. And Luna will always remember how they made her feel, she finally felt like she was someone who could be loved instead of feared. 

The End 


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