We fell in love at Hot Topic

 We Fell In Love At Hot Topic

A short emo love story.

Angel smith was an ordinary girl. At least that's what she thought, yes she was emo but that was the way she liked to dress. She loved the music as well, but it seems that wherever she went people would mock her for wearing her band t-shirts, and her skinny jeans. But Angel held her head high whenever anyone tried to bring her down, because she was proud of her look and her music taste. Angel lived in small town, with her two dads and younger sister Sarah. She had long blue hair, was of slim build had pale skin, blue eyes, and is usually seen wearing a band tee and skinny jeans. On this particular day Angel and her family decided to take a little trip to the mall. On the way there, she listened to Sleeping with Sirens while her sister listened to her kids bop CD on the radio. "Daddy are we there yet?" Sarah said feeling bored. Despite her relation to Angel Sarah couldn't be more different than her sister. She had long blond curly hair, green eyes, was of average build, but a little short for her age. She dressed like a barbie, always pink. Pink shirts, pink fluffy tutus, and silly bands on her wrists. "almost princess." her dad said from the drivers seat. "Angel, since you're older now your other dad and I decided that you could shop by yourself, while we take Sarah." Angel was thrilled by this idea! "thanks Dad!" Angel said grinning. They finally arrived at the mall, Angel practically sprinted inside knowing exactly where to go. "Okay we'll take Sarah around, while you do your thing Angel. Then we'll meet up at the food court at noon." Everyone nodded and split up. Angel walked around looking for the one store she loved more than any other, Hot Topic. "found it!" Angel squealed as she ran inside the store. She spent her time looking around, when her eyes landed on a My Chemical Romance T-Shirt. She knew she had to have it, and went to pick it up. As she touched the fabric, someone else grabbed it at the same time. Angel looked up at who grabbed the shirt and she was floored! The person standing next to her was so pretty Angel thought she might cry. "oh sorry, I didn't realize you also wanted the shirt. Here you take it." The person said. "oh no please you take it I can find something else." Angel said. "If you don't mind me asking, what are your pronouns?" Angel asked. "oh he/him, what about you?" "she/her" Angel just stared at him for a bit, taking in the beautiful boy before her. He had pale skin, crystal blue eyes surrounded by eyeliner, dark black hair that was hiding one of his eyes, he was wearing a Pierce the Veil T-shirt, and black ripped skinny jeans, with blue converse. He also had on band rubber bracelets, and a simple black choker. "I insist you take the shirt, in fact I'll even buy it for you." the boy said. Angel didn't know what to think, this nice boy was willing to pay for the shirt for her. She smiled blushing a little. "okay." The boy went to pay for the shirt, and Angel couldn't believe her luck. "here you go." He said handing her the bag with a smile. "thank you, I'll pay you back for it." Angel said. "no no please don't consider it a gift." Angel blushed and nodded. As the boy walked away, Angel realized she never got his name. "hey wait." he turned around. "what's your name?" "Ryan, and you?" "Angel" "that's a nice name, it suits you." Then he walked off. Angel looked down at her watch and realized it was noon. "oh I have to get to the food court." She arrived just in time, and saw her family sitting at a table. "hey dads, hey Sarah" She said sitting down. "hey honey, how did it go?" One of her dads said. "it went really well, look what I got" Angel showed her dads the shirt. "very cool" they said. "Angel look what I got at Claire's!" Sarah said holding up some colourful hair bows. "those are very pretty Sarah." Angel said with a smile. Sarah smiled back, and hugged her bows tight. On the drive home, Angel couldn't stop thinking about Ryan. She wondered if she would ever seen him again. It's been a month since they've gone to the mall, and Angel still hasn't stopped thinking about the cute emo boy she saw. "I wonder where he lives? I wonder what he's doing right now?" She thought to herself, as she was drawing in her sketchbook. A little while later, there was a knock at her door. "Angel can I come in?" it was Sarah. "sure" Sarah walked in clutching her stuffed elephant. "what are you doing?" She asked sitting on the bed. "just drawing kiddo" Angel said sadly. Sarah looked at the doodles and scrunched her face up, she wasn't sure what they meant but when she saw her sister's sad face she wanted to help. "why are you sad?" Sarah said putting her small hand on Angel's. "oh it's nothing kiddo, I'm just thinking that's all." Sarah wasn't convinced, but she heard her dads calling her down for her snack and left. Angel put her sketchbook away, and went on instagram. She wanted to see if she could find Ryan, but since she didn't know his last name it was kind of difficult. After about an hour, she gave up it was time for her dance class anyway. After dance, her dads turned to her and said "hey sweetie we know you've been down for a few weeks, so your dad and I decided to treat you at the mall. What do you say? You can pick out whatever you want and we'll get it for you." After some thought Angel nodded, making her dads smile. They got to the mall, Angel took her dads into her favourite store. "so this is the store you love so much." one of her dads said looking around. "it's cool" Angel looked around, and slowly made her decision on what she wanted. When she went to back, there he was! Ryan the boy she met a month ago standing in front of the beanies. "hi, it's crazy running into you again haha" Angel said with a laugh. "oh hey, it's good to see you again, I like your outfit." He said gesturing to her dance uniform. Angel felt embarrassed she forgot she was wearing her dance clothes, "oh yeah I just came from dance practice, thank you for noticing my uniform, I'm glad you like it." she said. "could I maybe get your number?" Ryan asked. "sure if I can get yours" Angel said smiling. They exchanged numbers and continued to look around. "this is perfect!" Angel said holding up a pair of fishnet gloves. "those are nice, you should get them." Ryan said. "Dads I found what I want!" Angel called to her dads. "okay dear, we're coming" While her dads paid for the gloves, Ryan and Angel got to know each other better. "no way you skateboard? that's so cool!" Angel said enthusiastically. "yeah, I practice almost everyday you should come watch sometime" "I'd love too!" Angel's dads finished up, and walked over to them. "Alright kiddo we're ready to go, oh who's this nice young man?" "hello sirs, my name is Ryan Carter, It's a pleasure to meet you." Ryan said holding out his hand. "Nice to meet you too Ryan, I'm Dan and this is my husband Mark." Dan said gesturing to the man next to him. "how do you too know each other?" Mark asked with a curious look. "oh Angel and I met a month ago in this very store, I bought her a t-shirt as a gift. We both wanted it, but I thought she should have it." "that's a very nice thing you did Ryan." "well it's time to go home Angel, your dad is making chicken noodle soup for dinner." Dan said. "uh Dad, could I hang out with Ryan at the skate park for a little bit?" Dan thought about it, then said "alright, but don't stay too late. We'll save you some soup for when you get home." "thank you!" Angel said hugging her father. "don't worry sir, I'll make sure she gets home at a decent hour." Ryan said. Her dads nodded, and took off. At the skate park Angel was having so much fun with Ryan, they laughed and talked and listened to their favourite songs together. It was amazing. "oh I should get home, it's getting late." Angel said looking at her watch. "oh no problem, come on I'll drive you home." Ever since that day, Ryan and Angel grew closer, they were so happy. Ryan has been over to Angel's house for dinner, and Sarah has taken a liking to him as well, offering to do his make up. Which Ryan didn't mind at all. Now it was their biggest date yet, Ryan managed to get tickets to a Sleeping With Sirens concert. Angel was so excited, she was practically bouncing off the walls. "today is the day!" She squealed dancing around her room blasting hers and Ryan's favourite SWS song. She did her hair, and got dressed, looking at herself in the mirror and nodding in approval. The doorbell rang and Angel sprinted down the stairs to greet Ryan. "hey Ryan, how do I look?" Angel said spining around. "you look amazing as always, my dear." Ryan said with a bow. "hehe you dork" "bye dads, bye Sarah we'll be back late!" "okay dear, you kids have fun and stay safe!" They were out the door, and driving to the concert. At the concert the energy was electric! Ryan and Angel danced to every song and had a blast. "Angel there's something I want to ask you." "okay." Ryan grabbed Angel's hands in his, and pulled her in for a kiss. "Angel Smith, will you be my girlfriend?" Tears came to Angel's eyes, as she nodded kissing him passionately. At the end of the night, Ryan and Angel came home happy as could be. Since it was late, Angel's dads let Ryan stay over. Ryan and Angel snuggled close to each other falling asleep in each other's arms, it was the best day of their lives. 

The End 


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