The Tragically Beautiful

 The Tragically Beautiful

Good evening everybody! A small change to the blog here, I changed the name because I thought since it's a new year the blog could use some sprucing up. For tonight's post I'm going to be discussing thing that are beautiful but tragic. I love tragically beautiful things, whether it's a song, or a picture, or something else entirely. I look at a wilting flower and I think it's beautiful how it came to be, that flower probably went through a lot to get like that. I see a broken heart as something that should be seen as strong, to me a broken heart is beautiful because it shows strength. It won't be broken forever, sometimes it can heal with the simplest of things. To me broken hearts are a sign of strength and courage, so if you or someone you know has gone through heartbreak or are currently experiencing it. I want you to know that your broken heart is beautiful, and you are strong, and that heart is going to heal. It may take some time, and support from other loved ones, but it will heal. Scars are another thing I find tragically beautiful, whenever I see self harm scars I just think of how much pain that person was in. If I see that the scars are well healed over, and the person hasn't done it in awhile I am so proud of them. You should be proud of your scars no matter how you got them, because they show just how powerful you are and that you're still here on this earth. I know how hard it is, I know how hard it can be to not do it. The truth is I have self harmed, I don't cut but I do rip my skin. Keep fighting, I know you can do it and don't be ashamed of those scars because they are beautiful, and I know you'll get through this. So wilted flowers, sad songs, scars, and broken hearts. All of these things may be tragic on the outside, but inside they mean something, something really important that is just waiting for you to figure out.

I hope you liked this post! Please feel free to comment and share it with your friends!

Rawr XD ❤


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