The Skate Park

 The Skate Park

Hello there! Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Luna Matthews. I'm a 19 year old woman, I'm from a small town in Ohio, I'm a fashion designer, who also enjoys skateboarding on the side. This is the story of how I met the love of my life at a skate park. It all started one morning when I decided to go for a skate before I had to be at the studio, I dressed in my classic emo fashion: Choker, lots of bracelets, some fish net gloves, black ripped skinny jeans, a sleeping with sirens t-shirt, converse sneakers, and a beanie. It was summer so I didn't need a jacket, it was perfect skating wheather. When I pulled up to the park with my board in hand, I saw this guy sitting down fixing the wheels on his board. He was so pretty, he looked like he was dying but I like that in a guy. He was pale with jet black hair, and had on a black hoodie, he was also very skinny. I couldn't see the front of him but I liked the forlorn frame his body had, like he was lost in thought. I approached him carefully, and sat down net to him. "hey" I said smiling at him. When he looked up I swear my heart stopped, he had piercing blue eyes with black eyeliner surrounding them, he also wore glasses which made him even cuter. "oh hey" he said shyly. "it's a nice day for a skate isn't it?" I said trying to make small talk. "yeah it is, are you good?" I laughed lightly and stood up with my board. "why don't you find out." I said with a wink and made my way over to the ramp. I started to show off, and he seemed to like it I made his jaw drop open. I ended my little session, and rolled over to him. "alright let's see what you've got." He took a deep breath and positioned himself on the ramp. I was very impressed, he had skills! On his last trick he misjudged the landed hard on the ramp. Panicked I ran over to him to make sure he was okay. "are you alright?" I asked him holding my hand out for him to grab it. "I think so, that was embarrassing." he said looking down, as I helped him up he winced then grabbed his arm. "ow my arm hurts." he cried. "here let me see it." I slowly turned over his arm and there was a large gash on his arm. "oh my gosh, that looks painful. Come home with me I'll fix you up." I said. "okay, by the way what's your name?" he asked me. "I'm Luna, what's your name?" "it's nice to meet you Luna, I'm Dylan." I took Dylan home, and bandaged his arm. "how does that feel?" "it still hurts, but it's less burning feeling now." I smiled at him, he was so cute. "good, would you like something to drink? or eat?" I offered. "some water would be nice." I brought over some water, and then Dylan and I got to talking. We had a lot in common, he makes me laugh and we're the same age! He's in college right now, but he's studying to be a musician. Before long Dylan had to get back to his dorm, but before he left we exchanged numbers to stay in touch. "take it easy on that arm of yours okay!" I told him as he walked off. "I will, and thank you so much for everything!" He said, then turned the corner. After he was gone, I couldn't stop smiling. He was the best thing that ever happened to me! "he's so cute and nice, there's just something so comforting about him." I thought to myself, then I headed off to the studio. About a week goes by, and I get slammed at my studio creating different designs for outfits, and then making them. I was too busy to go skateboarding, but then my boss came to me one day and told me to take the rest of the day off, I was so grateful. I rushed back to my house and grabbed my skating gear, I was also eager to go back, because maybe I would see Dylan again! The thought made me walk faster to the park. When I got there, I saw him! He was in the same place he was last time! I snuck up behind him and tackled him to the ground. "Dylan! Did you miss me?" I yelled as I pinned him to the ground. "ah Luna! It's so good to see you!" We got up and hugged for real. I really missed him. "hey I was wondering, would you want to maybe see a movie or something?" I asked him. "I would love to!" "cool, how about tonight at seven?" "it's a date." That night I was a nervous wreck, I had never been on a date before. I had no idea what to wear, and what I would say. I did eventually find an outfit but I was still nervous as heck. I heard the doorbell ring, and  there was Dylan standing in the doorway. He's so beautiful, and he doesn't try too hard to impress me. I like him just the way he is. "hey, you look so pretty." He said blushing. "thank you, so do you" This made him blush deeper. Gosh he's adorable. When we arrived at the theatre, Dylan went to pay for the tickets and snacks while I found our seats. During the movie, there was a scary part and I screamed grabbing Dylan's hand. I felt him gently squeeze back, letting me know that he was there for me. We interlocked our fingers, and I felt the sense of safeness when I was with Dylan, it made me feel really special that he could make me feel this way. We walked out of the theatre still holding hands, and then Dylan gently pulls me closer to him. I look deep into those ice blue eyes of his, and lose myself in the kindness and love they express. Then he kisses me! Right there outside of the theatre! It was my first kiss and it was amazing! "I really like you Luna, you're not like anyone I've ever met." Hearing that made me go weak. "I really like you too Dylan, I feel safe with you." He smiled and pulled me into a hug. "You make me feel safe too." He whispered into my hair. Then it started to rain, and tugged on Dylan's wrist (perhaps a little too hard because he winced when I touched it) and we ran to my house. As soon as we got inside, Dylan rubbed his wrist and had a look of pain on his face. "I'm sorry did I hurt you? I didn't mean too" I said concerned. "It's okay, It's just an old injury that didn't heal right." He looked down the whole time he said this to me, I knew he was lying. "why are you lying to me?" I asked him walking closer. "I'm not" "Dylan, please tell me the reason why your wrist hurts." Dylan took both my hands and led us to the couch. "okay, but promise me you won't freak out." I nodded my head. Dylan shakily took off his bracelets, and underneath them were scars new and old. I started to cry and he started crying. "oh Dylan, I'm so sorry." I pulled him into me while he cried into my shoulder. "sh sh sh, it's gonna be okay. I'm gonna be here for you, I'm gonna help you get through this." Something in him must have believed me because he slowly lifted his head up holding out his pinky. I chuckled lightly and linked my pinky with his. We went up to my room, and cuddled on my bed falling asleep in each other's arms. I pretended to be asleep, and I gently kissed Dylan's scars. Whispering "you're so strong Dylan, and these battle scars of yours are beautiful. I love you" 

The end


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