Hey emo boy

 Hey Emo Boy

Hello everyone! This is a short story about love. (This is also me projecting my feelings for wanting an emo boyfriend) well anyway on with the story! (Also I will not me using my real name) 

How do you tell someone you love them when you can’t even look people in the eye? How can you confess your undying admiration to someone you really like, when you can’t even form two words. Well that’s my life in a nutshell. Hi my name is Stacy Abrams, I’m 19 years old, my pronouns are she/her, I’m Demisexual/Heteromantic, I’m a sophomore in college, and I’m an emo chick. Yup that’s right an emo chick, the whole thing. Black clothes, band t-shirts, hair in the face, well you get the idea. That’s how I like to dress, and because of this I get weird looks from people. My professors also tell me that no one will take me seriously because I dress like a punk. Well newsflash to you I DON’T FREAKING GIVE A FLYING MONKEY! But I’m off topic, let me tell you why I feel so dejected. It all started back in freshman orientation. I was so nervous about started college, well I’m a nervous person in general because of my anxiety. But I was terrified to live on my own in the dorms, and all the worried that come with being a college student. The moment I walked into the auditorium, I felt like I was right back in high school. Until I saw him. The most beautiful guy I had ever seen in my life! He had jet black flippy hair, piercing blue eyes with eyeliner around them, (I just love guys in eyeliner!) he was wearing an MCR T-shirt, with black skinny jeans and black converse, he had bracelets by the dozen on his wrists, and spider bite piercings on his lip. I had found an emo boy! My heart fluttered when I saw him, there was no emo boys at my high school so seeing one in person was a dream come true! The rest of the year felt like a blur, no matter how hard I tried to say something to him I just couldn’t. So now here I am sitting on a bench in the school courtyard blasting black parade through my headphones feeling sorry for myself. Until I felt another presence sit down on the bench. It was my crush! He was wearing a grey beanie, which made his hair fall perfectly in his face. Of course he had on skinny jeans, and a band tee, along with his bracelets, and converse. God I loved this guy, I pretended he wasn't there and tried to focus on my writing assignment. Then I felt as if I was being watched, and looked over at him to see him smiling at me! OH MY GOD! My heart was racing, I couldn't look at him and tried to find something on the ground to stare at. "hi" Oh my gosh this boy just spoke to me! He has such a soothing voice! Not wanting to be rude I gave a quiet "hi" back. "Nice day isn't it? Perfect for writing lyrics." I nodded my head. This boy just kept getting cooler by the minute! he freaking writes music! "I'm Xander by the way, I saw you last year at orientation, I was too nervous to speak to you back then." I had no words. "I think you're really cool, and I was wondering if you would want to go out with me?" I was so shocked I dropped my pen. "sure, and I've actually had a crush on you since then." I didn't know where my boldness came from, but there was something about Xander that made me feel comfortable talking to him. "oh wow, well then would you like to go see a movie with me tonight?" he asked nervously looking at his shoes. "I'd love to!" I said smiling so big I thought my face would fall off. 

As they say, the rest is history. My amazing emo boyfriend Xander, has been a dream come true. He even wrote a song for me, he wants to be a musician which is why he's studying music. I want to be an author, I think we make a great match. He's very patient with me, he understands my anxities, and my fears. I also help him through his trying times as well. This emo chick has a date, so until we meet again. "so long and goodnight" 

That's it for this story, like I said this is just me projecting my feelings. I think I'll get back to blog about music this as well, so keep your eyes out for that. Take care everyone, remember to love yourselves and love others as well. RAWR :)


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