The Bite

 The Bite

Hey is this thing on? Oh it is! Hi everyone my name is Chole Oliver and this is the story of how my boyfriend Peter became the most amazing hero New York and the world has ever seen. But I'm getting ahead of myself, this story is about the pain my love went through before all the hero stuff happened. It all started back in freshmen year of high school, Peter and I have been best friends since we were 12. I knew he would do anything for me, and I'd do the same for him. Anyway we were on a fieldtrip to the science centre, and we came across this display of rare and unique spiders. "hey dude check this out, apparently there's a hybrid spider that was cross contaminated with some radioactive weirdness." I said. Peter pushed up his glasses, and peered into the tank. "huh, that's weird I wonder if it has any super abilities" I laughed and thought. "yeah like maybe summoning spiders to it's bidding, then take over the world" we both laughed at that, and moved on to another exhibit. "guys, guys, guys! You gotta come see this, there's a lizard that can walk on water!" Ned excitedly exclaimed then dragged us off to see the lizard. About half an hour went by, and we were all having fun. But what we didn't know was that, someone had left the cage on the radioactive spider's habitat open, and it slowly crawled out. Meanwhile Peter, Ned, and I were watching a demonstration on how to make elephant toothpaste. It was really cool. "ow!" Peter exclaimed and held his hand. "what happened?" I asked concerned. "I think something just bit me" 

It was the day after the field trip, and I was reading in my room when I got a really distressing phone call from Peter. "Chole, I don't know what's wrong with me" he sounded so hurt and in pain. "I'll be right over" I rushed over to Peter's apartment, and immediately went to his room. Luckily his aunt was out shopping. "Peter! What's wrong?" I said as I busted into his room. "help me" I was so scared when I saw my best friend. He was sweating so bad, he was pale, his body was trembling, and tears were pouring down his face. "hey, hey It's alright you're gonna be okay." I said as I softly stroked his brown curls. It hurt my heart to see him so miserable. "my body hurts so bad" he choked as he latched onto me. All I could do was hold him and tell him it was going to be okay. After awhile the trembling stopped, and the pain went away. "do you feel any better?" I asked Peter after he started to relax. "I think so" he breathed heavily. "hey Peter you have a glowy spot on your hand" I said pointing to the strange pulsating coming from Peter's hand. "whoa what is going on?!" Peter said concerned. As soon as it started it stopped, "well that was weird" "yeah" I stayed a little longer, to make sure Peter really was okay. We were watching a movie, and then Peter curled up into a ball and started to hyperventilate. "what's wrong? What hurts?" I said really worried about him. "Everything hurts, I can feel everything that's going on it's like my senses have been dialed to elevan!" he cried out. "is there anything I can do?" I asked hesitant to touch him in case it caused him more pain. 

Eventually Peter fell asleep, I decided to let him rest. I hate seeing him in pain, while I let him sleep I took a picture of that weird thing on his hand. I put the picture up online and did some research. I came across the exact same picture on this website about insect bites and clicked on it. According to the article I found, the thing on Peter's hand was a bite from a radioactive spider! Just like the one we saw at the science centre. Even though scientists haven't done much research on this unsual species, when it bites a human the side effects are quite extreme: Uncontrolable muscle trembling, sweating, improved vision (well that explains why Peter wasn't wear his glasses) senses become more extreme, super strength, the ability to crawl up walls, and increased metabolism. The victim may also notice a toned body. I was a little curious about that last part, I mean as long as I've known Peter he's been on the skinnier side, so naturally I wanted to see if the toned thing was true. I quietly stepped into Peter's bedroom. I gently lifted up his shirt, and to my surprise Peter had a six pack! "so Peter was bitten by that spider we saw" I said. Well that sums up my experience with that, ever since that day Peter has been protecting the streets of New York ever since. And a few months into this whole superhero thing, we started dating. I love my Peter bug so much, oh I gotta go Peter is taking me on a date swinging through New York! 

lot's of love- Chole :) 

Hey guys! I hope you liked this short little story, I'm sorry it's been awhile. I've been crazy blocked with my writing, but I came back with this, and I hope you enjoy it! 


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