Hold my hand

 Hold My Hand

This Nick and Charlie fanfic is based off of Lady Gaga's new song: Hold My Hand

TW: Self Harm

Hold my hand, everything will be okay.

All Nick wanted to do was help his boyfriend. But he didn't know how, he just hated seeing the love of his life hurting. Thinking about what his mum had said, about love and mental illness, he knew of one thing he could do. 

I heard from the heavens that clouds have been grey

Charlie's head seemed to have those grey clouds, all fogged up in the mental cage that surrounds his thoughts. There were days when he just couldn't see clearly, or think about anything except how bad he was feeling. There was one thing that always seemed to make those clouds go away, and that was his beautiful, golden retriever boyfriend. 

Nick was on his way over to see Charlie because there was one thing he knew he could do to help him. 

Pull me close, wrap me in your aching arms

When Charlie opened the door, he saw his Nick standing there looking like a angel in sweatpants and a jumper. "I know I can't fix you, but I've realized it's not my job to fix you. I do know what I can do to help though." Nick inched closer to Charlie, and wrapped him up so tight, burying his head in his chest. That's when Charlie broke down, he cried into Nick's chest, he let the flood gates open.

I see that you're hurting

Now the boys were in Charlie's bed just holding each other, Nick accidently pulled the sleeve up on Charlie's jumper, revealing fresh cuts on the boy's wrist. He knew that these were recent, because of the red lines of dried blood. Nick willed himself to not cry, and he pulled Charlie closer to him.

I see that you're bleeding

"I'm so sorry" Charlie cried when he explained what happened. "Char, it's okay I'm not gonna leave if that's what you're thinking, I just want to understand." 

So cry tonight, but don't you let go of my hand. You can cry every last tear I won't leave till I understand. Promise me, just hold my hand

"Nick, will you just hold my hand?" It was such a simple gesture, but it meant so much to Charlie to have that contact. "of course Char, I'll always be here to hold your hand." The boys spent the rest of the night in close contact with each other, before long Charlie fell asleep listening to Nick's soothing heart beat. He knew he was safe. 

So cry tonight, but don't you let go of my hand. You can cry every last tear, I won't leave till I understand. Promise you'll just hold my hand

I hope you enjoyed this one! 

Honestly this is probably my new favourite song right now! 


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