

Hey everyone! Just a little Nick and Charlie oneshot in between my story. 

Nick woke up with a horrible pain in his stomach. "ow, ow, ow." Nick breathed trying to stand, but couldn't find the energy. Nick's mum came in to check on him, "Nicky baby what's wrong?" Mrs. Nelson said concerned. "My stomach really hurts mum." Nick said with a wince. "oh baby, I'm so sorry you don't feel well." His mum said stroking his hair. "hey how about I call Charlie, to see if he can come over?"  Nick just nodded, in too much pain to say anything. Mrs. Nelson kissed his warm forehead, then called Charlie before heading off to work. While he was curled up in aball of agony, he heard a knock at the door. But Nick was in too much pain to even stand up. "Nick? It's me" Charlie said through the door. "I'm coming in okay" Charlie made his way inside and upstairs to his boyfriend's room. When he peeked inside his heart sank, Nick was pale, shaking, and had a look of intense pain edged on his face. "hey, how are you feeling sweetheart?" Charlie asked sitting on Nick's bed. "Char?" Nick said with pain in his voice. "yeah it's me baby, does your stomach still hurt?" Nick nodded and started to cry. Charlie crawled in beside him, and pulled him to his chest, "it's okay love, I know something that might help." Charlie said. He carefully lifted the hem of Nick's t-shirt, and started to gently rub in his stomach. "that feels good Char, thank you." Nick said relaxing into the touch. "I'll be right back" Charlie went to grab the hot water bottle, hoping that will help Nick's stomach feel better. When Charlie returned to the room, Nick wasn't there. Panicked, Charlie walked to the bathroom down the hall, and saw light coming from underneath the bathroom door. "Nick are you okay?!" Charlie shouted knocking on the door. When he didn't get a response, he walked inside and the sight was enough to have Charlie sobbing on the floor. "oh Nicky, it's okay, I'm here." Nick latched on to his boyfriend, and just cried. Charlie's heart hurt seeing his boy so weak, and in pain. "I'm so-s-sorry, after you left I really needed to throw up, but now it hurts worse than before." Charlie just cradled Nick against his chest, and stroked his hair. "let's get you back to bed, I have something that might help" After getting Nick back into bed, Charlie placed the hot water bottle gently on Nick's belly. "oh that feels good, thank you so much babe." Charlie kissed his head, relieved that Nick was starting to feel better. "of course love, I'm always here for you." "Char I've never told you this but I'm prone to stomach aches, it started when I was five years old, they come and go, sometimes a year will go by before I have one. Then other times it happens every other week." Charlie had no idea Nick was dealing with this, and he held him tighter. "have you seen a doctor about it?" "yeah and I was on medication for it, but it made my symptoms worse." "well I'm always available to help you feel better when a falre up happens." Nick nuzzled his face into Charlie's chest and relaxed against him. "thanks Char, I love you so much." "I love you too, get some sleep love." They both fell asleep in the comfort of each other's arms, when Nick woke up from the nap he felt a lot better. 

The End!

Hope you enjoyed that! and stay tuned for chapter 3 of Romance First, Sex Later.


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