Romance First, Sex Later

 Romance First, Sex Later

Chapter 2

"Aunt Carry I'm home!" Shane said as he entered the house. "I'm in the kitchen kiddo." She said. Shane's aunt was a tall skinny women in her mid twenties, she had black raven hair, and an eyebrow piercing. Her eyes were kind, and she always made everybody feel welcome. "How was school?" Carry said setting some apple slices in front of Shane. "it was good, I met this guy named Jared, he's really nice, but also very nervous." Shane told her taking a bite of apple. "that's great kiddo, does he play for your team?" Carry said casually. "well I don't know yet, but I like him." Carry smiled, and gave her nephew a huge hug. "well I hope it works out for you sweetheart." Shane just smiled at her, thinking back to the school day. A vision of Jared laughing with him at lunch flashed into his head, and he felt a warm sensation in his chest. "how was work?" Jared asked, trying to change the subject. "Oh just the usual, lots of clients needed to have haircuts or a dye job, there was this one person who wanted their hair to be neon green!" Shane just laughed at the thought, and wondered if the person had damaged hair from the amount of bleach that was needed. 

A little while later, after dinner Shane was practicing his dancing in the basement studio of the house. Dance was very therapeutic for Shane, it helped him release any stressful or overwhelming thoughts the day threw at him. This was a particularly hard day for him. The reason why Shane lived with his Aunt Carry is a long story, but an important one. Shane's mom passed away when Shane was just four years old, after that it was just him, his big brother Devon, and his dad. They got used to being a family of three, and things seemed like it would be okay. Until seventh grade, when Shane was thirteen he realized that he liked guys the way he was supposed to feel about girls. He told his dad and his brother, Devon was supportive, but his dad on the other hand was furious. Shane was kicked out of the house, was forced to say goodbye to his brother, and totally shut down. The only place he could to turn to was his Aunt Carry, he went to her house and had tears streaming down his face. Carry told him he could live with her for as long as he wanted. Shane hasn't heard or seen his dad and brother for three years, the last he heard was that Devon was going to college in California. That was all he knew. 

On days when he misses his mom and brother, he goes really hard on his dancing. When he finishes he gets in the shower, then scrolls through his phone until he goes to sleep. Thinking about his day at school, and Jared he decided to send him a little text. The next day at school Shane was waiting for Jared at the school gates, he wanted to spend more time with him. He spotted Jared walking with Kylie and waved to them. "hey guys" Shane said greeting Kylie and Jared. "hey Shane" Kylie said waving. Jared gave a shy wave back, and tried not to blush. Shane thought Jared so so adorable, he walked up to them, and started talking to Jared. Feeling like a third wheel, Kylie decided to head inside to leave the boys alone. "how was your night?" Shane asked Jared as they sat down on the grass under a tree. "it was fine, my little sister was upset, but I made her feel better." Jared said playing with his fingers. "aww that's sweet of you, you seem like a great older brother." Shane said. Jared just stared at the ground, he felt his breathing pick up. Shane noticed Jared's uncomfortable position, and placed a hand on his shoulder. "hey, are you okay?" When Jared turned back around he had tears in his eyes, and was breathing heavily. "Jared it's okay, take a deep breath, count with me okay." Shane helped guide Jared through his panic attack. "there, feel better?" Jared nodded. "do you want a hug? Would that help?" "um no thanks, I'm not very comfortable hugging people I don't know very well." "oh no problem."

Jared did however reach over and squeezed Shane's hand. "thank you so much for helping me through that, I have them randomly, and it's scary when it happens." Jared looked so fragile, it stirred something in his heart. "It's okay, I'm happy to help." Shane said, and flashed Jared a smile. "hey this may sound weird, but would you like to come over after school? My aunt is going out with her friends from the salon, so it will just be us. Only if you want to though." "sure I would love too!" That afternoon Jared came over to Shane's house, "I know it's not much but it's been my home for three years." Shane said. Jared didn't want to pry, so he just nodded approvingly. "so what would you like to do?" Shane asked as they got some water. "oh I don't know, why don't you just show me around." Shane brought Jared downstairs to the dance studio. "wow this place is so cool!" Jared said walking around. "yeah, my aunt used to have a in home hairdressing buisness before she joined the salon in town, when she found out I love to dance she cleaned this space up for me and it became my dance studio." Shane said proudly. "I'm not much of a dancer, but I'm sure you're really good." Jared told Shane. "do you want to dance?" Shane suggested. "oh I don't know." Jared said feeling nervous. "it's okay I'll teach you." Shane said and led Jared onto the dance floor. 

In that moment neither boy never felt closer to someone than they did that afternoon. The music played, their hands intertwined, each step in sync, they felt so connected. Before the end of the song, Shane brought Jared to look in his eyes. Shane could feel the butterflies just fluttering around in his stomach, Jared had the most beautiful eyes Shane had ever seen. They stayed like that until the song was over then reluctantly pulled away. "that was really good, you're a natural." Shane said, going upstairs to get a snack. "really? thanks." Jared said following the taller boy. A little while later, the boys were watching a movie when Shane's aunt came into the house. "Shane I'm home, I brought dinner." Carry said. "oh hello there, I didn't know you had company Shane." Carry said putting the grocery bag on the table. "hi I'm Shane's aunt Carry." She said holding out her hand to shake Jared's. "it's nice to meet you" Jared said shaking Carry's hand. "I'm Jared Carter, Shane's friend." He said shyly. "well Jared you are welcome here anytime, would you like to join us for dinner?" "oh that's very nice of you, but I have to get home I'm watching my little sister tonight." Jared said. "oh that's okay perhaps another time then." "sure!" Shane walked Jared to the door. "I had a great time today." Shane said, with a dreamy smile plastered on his face. "I did too, maybe you'd like to come to my house after school tomorrow?" Jared asked. "I'd love too!" Shane said excitedly. Before registering what he was doing, Shane pulled Jared in for a hug. Jared melted into it, for some reason he felt safe in Shane's prescence. "oh sorry, I forgot you weren't comfortable with that sort of thing." Shane said feeling bad for doing what he did. "It's okay it felt nice. I feel safe with you." Jared said. Shane blushed. "okay well see you at school." Then Jared was off. 

"I really like Jared, I think I might like him like him." 

Stay tuned!


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