Romance first, sex later

Romance First, Sex Later

Hey everybody welcome back to the blog! So I've been trying to figure out what my first book should be about, and I have this idea here about a different kind of love story given from the perspective of a Demisexual person. Since we don't really see a lot of guys perspective of Demisexual I would like to write this story from a guy's point of view. Here it goes!

Chapter 1

In the small town of meadowville USA there lived a young teen named Jared Carter. Jared was 16, 5,11, with wavy brown hair, light skin and blue eyes. He was slim, and loved to wear ripped jeans, space t-shirts, and converses. From the outside Jared looked like just a normal teen, but inside Jared was dealing with a lot. For as long as he could remember Jared was a very anxious person. He would have panic attacks at just the age of four, sometimes for no reason. It was a part of himself he didn't like, and tried to keep it hidden from everyone he met. Mental illness aside, Jared also felt strange when it came to people he might be interested in dating. He's not sure what it means, he just knows he experiences feelings differently than most people. Maybe this school year will be the year he figures it out. 

It was Monday morning in the Carter house. Jared lived with his mom and younger sister Emma. Emma was 6 years old, had curly blond hair, and was always wearing Jared's clothes without asking. Emma doesn't dress like a "typical" little girl, she's always been drawn to more masculine clothes. At the breakfast table Jared's mom came over to give him a good morning hug. "good morning kids." Mrs. Carter said patting her children on the heads. "morning mom, morning mama!" Jared and Emma said. "you two excited for school?" she asked packing their lunches. "oh yes mama! Ashely and I are gonna play dragon and knights at recess!" Emma said excitedly. Ashely was Emma's best friend, they've known each other since preschool. "that's great sweetie, what about you Jared?" Mrs. Carter asked her son. "well... not really, I mean Kylie will be there, but I'm still nervous." Kylie was Jared's best friend since third grade, she was always there for him. "I'm sure you'll be fine Jared, just stick with Kylie and you'll be okay." Jared just sighed and stared at the floor, not really believing her. 

"I have to go to work, Jared can you walk Emma to school? I should be able to pick her up for dance class." "sure mom." Mrs. Carter, hugged her kids and off she went to work. On their way to school, Emma kept asking Jared questions. "Jare bare, what's high school like?" Emma asked. "it's pretty rough Em, you should be lucky you don't go there yet." Jared said squeezing his sister's hand. "Jare bare, do you have a girlfriend?" the question took Jared off guard, he was single and knew he wasn't attracted to girls, he was definitely attracted to guys but he wasn't sure about his feelings with relationships. "can't say that I do Em." "oh okay." They finally reached Emma's school, she hugged Jared goodbye and met up with Ashely. After watching his sister head off to school, Jared turned on his heel and made his way up to the high school. At the school gate, Kylie was waiting for him. Kylie was a pretty girl, she had brown skin, long wavy hair that was dyed pink and blue, she wore chains, and combat boots, and always had an iced coffee in her hand. "JJ! I missed you!" Kylie said practically tackling Jared to the ground. "it's good to see you too Kylie." Jared said laughing. 

"I can't believe we're sophmores! This is gonna be our year I just know it!!!" Kylie exclaimed squeezing Jared's shoulder. "if you say so." Jared said looking at his shoes. "hey relax JJ, it's gonna be fine." Kylie smiled at her friend trying to be reassuring. As they rounded the corner, Jared stopped in his tracks. He saw the most beautiful boy he's ever seen in his life. He was tall, muscular, blond with a little streak of blue in his bangs, he wore a beanie, and a leather jacket, and he was wearing the same pair of converes as him! "Kylie who's that?" Jared whispered to her. "oh that's shane, we were at camp together over the summer. He's really nice, and he plays for your team." Kylie said with a wink. Jared was floored by Shane, and couldn't form the words to describe how he was feeling. "is this sexual attraction? Or is it something else?" Jared was so confused about his feelings. Just then Shane walked towards them, "hey Kylie right?" he asked her. "yeah, hey Shane, this is my best friend Jared Carter." "nice to meet you Jared." They shook hands and Jared felt butterflies all around his stomach. "you too Shane." "hey what class do you have right now?" "oh math." "me too, wanna walk together?" Jared couldn't believe what was happening. "sure." off they went, Kylie saying they'll meet up at lunch. 

In class, the teacher stepped out for a bit, and Shane and Jared started making conversation. "so tell me about yourself Jared." Shane asked. "oh I'm 16, I live with my mom and little sister, I like music, drawing, and going to the movies, and I have anxiety." Shane just smiled, hanging onto every word he said. "you sound very interesting Jared." That made him blush. "okay now you tell me about you." Jared said to Shane, wanting to know everything about him. "I'm also 16, I have an older brother, I live with my aunt Carry, I enjoy dance, playing guitar, and I love fashion." Shane was so cool, Jared couldn't believe he was real. After math it was time for lunch, but when the boys got there, Kylie was nowhere to be seen. "oh I guess it's just us for lunch." Shane said. The way he said that made Jared's heartbeat speed up. But he didn't know if it was sexual attraction or platonic attraction, or what. He thought sexual attraction and romantic attraction was the same thing, so he wasn't sure what he was feeling. He obviously liked Shane, he just didn't know how he liked him. 

That night when Jared got home from school, he went online to find out what the different types of attraction were. When he realized that sexual attraction and romantic attraction were separate it all became clear to him. Of course he didn't know if he was crushing on Shane or if he was just infatuated with him, I guess he'll have to take it one day at a time. His mom and sister came home, Emma looked upset, and Mrs. Carter looked distraught. Emma ran up to her room crying, and Mrs. Carter slumped at the kitchen table. "mom what's wrong? why is Emma so upset?" Jared asked sitting next to his mom. "oh Jared, the other girls in Emma's dance class were making fun  of her clothes, and calling her a boy. Why are kids so cruel?" Something snapped inside of Jared, he walked upstairs to Emma's room and slowly opened the door. "Em can I come in?" Jared asked with a caring tone. All he heard was a sniffle so he walked in, and sat down on her bed. "Emma, are you okay?" "no... Jare bare? I'm not a boy right?" "no Emma, you're not just because you don't dress like those other girls doesn't mean you're not a girl. You can dress however you want." Emma picked her head up from the pillow and Jared pulled his little sister in for a hug. "I love you just the way you are Em, you don't have to change for anyone." Emma smiled at her big brother, "I love you too Jare bare." "hey I have something for you," Jared said running off to his room, and coming back with a hoodie. "this is for you, I know how much you love it so it's yours." Jared gave Emma his favourite hoodie with a picture of saturn on it, she was always stealing it from him and now it was hers. "thank you Jare bare!" Emma said and immediately put it on. "your welcome Em" it made Jared feel good to see his sister cheer up. Now that Emma was feeling better, Jared had to work on his problems. 

"what I am supposed to do about Shane?" he said to himself laying on his bed. "I do like him, but maybe we should be friends first, I barely know the guy." Just then Jared got an instagram message from Shane. It said: I liked talking to you today. 💓 Jared smiled to himself, and fell asleep thinking about hanging out with Shane at the movies. 

to be continued. 


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