

Hello everybody! Welcome back to fangirl confession! I know it's been awhile since I've written a fanfic, and I'm in the mood to write one so here we go!

It was down to the wire at the rugby match between Truham boys, and St. John's Academy. Captain Nick Nelson was giving it his all on the field, while his nervous boyfriend Charlie Spring watched from the bench. Charlie quite enjoyed watching from the bench, he got to see his boyfriend in action. Everytime Nick would run by he gave Charlie a little wave, which made his heart flutter. "you're staring again." Tao said walking up beside Charlie. "what? No I'm not, you're being ridiculous." Charlie said a little flustered. "Charlie, I know when you're staring at your boyfriend, you get that goofy look on your face, and you start rubbing your hands nervously." Tao said giving Charlie his best "really" face. "okay, maybe I was staring" Charlie said with a smile. "but it's only because- "I know, I know you Love him." Tao intrupted, batting his eyelashes in a teasing manor. The boys turned their attention back to the game, there was only a few minutes left in the game. This. Is. It. If they can score in the next few minutes Truham wins! Nick had the ball, he kicks it into the game, the boys start running all around smashing into each other. As Nick was making his way towards the end line, a guy from the other team slammed into him and knocked him to the ground. Charlie was on his feet in an instant, his heart beating a mile a minute hoping like crazy that his Nick was okay. Nick laid there on the ground, wincing in pain. Charlie couldn't take it anymore, he ran towards Nick and sat down next to his head. "Nick, can you look at me? Tell me what hurts." Charlie said softly stroking Nicks hair. "my side really hurts, when I breathe I feel like there's something hitting my lungs." Nick said tears falling from his eyes. "it's gonna be okay, don't cry baby, we're gonna get you some help, I'm gonna help you stand okay?" Charlie said squeezing Nick's hand. Nick just nodded, and slowly started to get up with Charlie's help. They made their way over to the nurses station, and Charlie helped his boyfriend lay down on the cot. Not wanting to leave his side, Charlie kept his hand firmly locked with Nick's to help distract him from how much pain he was in. "that was quite the tackle you took out there Mr. Nelson." The nurse said putting on some rubber gloves. "uh huh." Nick said through a pain filled breath. "well let's what the damage is, can you pull up your shirt for me?" Charlie helped with this, and gasped at the state of his boyfriend's side. There was a giant bruise going right up Nick's ribs. Charlie squeezed Nick's hand a little tighter, trying to keep the tears at bay, he hated seeing his boy hurt. "ooh that's pretty nasty, I'm just gonna do a little x ray to see if you broke any ribs, okay?" The nurse said, and Nick nodded. The nurse set up everything and turned to Nick again. "okay, this may hurt, but I want you to take a breath and keep squeezing your boyfriend's hand okay?" The nurse slid an x-ray pad underneath Nick's back, it didn't hurt like he thought and relaxed slightly. After the x-rays were taken, it turned out that Nick did in fact break a rib. They wrapped his torso in gaze to help keep his ribs aligned, and called his mum to come pick him up. Once Nick and Charlie were alone again, Charlie took a seat next to Nick and started stroking his hair. "you really scared me, does it still hurt?" Charlie asked concerned. "I'm sorry I scared you Char, and yeah it still really hurts." Nick said wincing. "Don't worry, once we get you home you can take the pain meds the nurse prescribed, hopefully that will help. I hate seeing you get hurt babe." Nick smiled at how much his boyfriend cared about him, wanted Charlie to come closer. Charlie carefully laid next to Nick, and hugged him gently. "You're gonna be okay baby, I'm gonna take care of you when we get to your house." "thanks Char, I love you." "I love you too Nicky." They stayed like that until Nick's mum came to get them. 


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