Heartstopper Review

 Heartstopper Review

Hello everyone Today I will be reviewing the heartstopper show!

Season 1 Episode 1

At the begining of the show, I really liked the music. It helps get you in the mind set a little bit for the start of the episode. Mr Lange was a little harsh towards Charlie in form, but I will always be grateful for him sitting Nick and Charlie together. I absolutely love the little exchanges of hi from my boys. I love how they think of Nick as a golden retriever. Charlie's fantasy of Nick asking him out was everything I thought it would be! Ben is such a jerk! I just wanted to slap him. Nick teaching Charlie how to tackle was so cute! I loved how Nick stood up for Charlie when Ben was being totally out of line, I don't really have anything negative to say about episode one. I really enjoyed all of it. 

Season 1 Episode 2

Just three words The. Snow. Scene. It's so sweet, and I love the song playing during it. Also Nellie! She's so cute, and I really want to pet her. When the boys are playing Mario Kart, and Charlie covers Nick's mouth. My heart swelled. Nick starts falling for Charlie, Imogen was a little invasive of Nick's space. Everytime she approached him, he just seemed really uncomfortable. That might just be me, but that's what it looked it. Thank goodness Charlie dumped Ben, he was so awful. I didn't like how skeptical Tao was about Nick, I mean he didn't even know him that well and he immediately thought he was this rude person. Elle, Tara, and Darcy becoming friends was really sweet. Seeing Darcy and Tara be comfortable with each other was great. Nick wanted to hold Charlie's hand so bad! The hug they have right before Nick leaves, is so special. When Nick cries at the screen of the results of the test, I just kept saying "don't cry Nicky." Everytime I watch that scene. I wanted to hug him so bad. I think that's it for that one.

Season 1 Episode 3

This whole episode has a hold on me. Nick and Charlie at Harry's party are too adorable. It was so great to see Tara and Darcy be so comfortable kissing at the party. Nick telling Harry off, was just pure perfection. Nick inviting Charlie to the party after he invited Imogen, the different way he asked both of them. "I guess I can invite you Imogen." "Please come, I want you to be there." It was clear Nick really wanted Charlie at the party. one of my favourite moments from this episode was when Elle, Tao, and Charlie were texting, and Tao tries to rope Isaac into it, but Isaac looks at his phone like "I'm not getting involved with this." That was so funny to me. Nick and Charlie's first kiss is everything to me. Charlie crying into his dad's shoulder breaks my heart. 

Season 1 Episode 4

Nick comes back for Charlie!! He came back! The rain scene, the kiss, Nick feeling safe with Charlie. I kind of wanted the conservatory scene, but it was still really cute anyway. During the rugby match, I felt really sad because Nick really wanted to walk over to see if Charlie was oka, but he was scared of people finding out. I do really love the scene where Nick checks on him in the nurse's station, that was such a sweet moment! When Nick and Charlie meet up for lunch, and Nick says "I missed you." I swear I love them so much, they are so cute. Also huge shoutout to Mr. Ajayi he's such a cool and understanding teacher. 

Season 1 Episode 5

I love everything about this episode, no comments.

Season 1 Episode 6

This episode again was so cute, and to all those people who couldn't keep their mouths shut about Tara and Darcy, how dare you! Let them love, let them live their lives! The milshake cafe was pure adorable energy. Nick's soft little "yeah" and Charlie being so smiley when Nick tells Elle that they are together. My heart! Their kiss in Charlie's bedroom, he was so proud that Nick told someone about them. The look of pure adoration on Nick's face when Charlie is about to perform, sends me spinning! And one more thing. "I like being with you." So so so freaking cute!

Season 1 Episode 7

I HATE Harry Greene so much! He is a monster, and I would've hit him too. I hate the word he used, I wish it didn't exist. I do love how Nick protects Charlie, they are so perfect for each other. Also I have the perfect song choice for Ben, it fits him so well. Trouble by Taylor Swift. Both of them are horrible horrible people. Then at the end of the episode, where Tao and Harry get into a fight, Nick was there again to pull Harry off of Charlie's friend. And Tao was skeptical of him, well Tao Nick just helped you out there. See he's not so bad. Also Tao was so unfair when he tells Charlie to leave him alone, like Charlie didn't mean to hurt you man. 

Season 1 Episode 8

Okay so this episode was literally my favourite. I just wanted to hug Charlie so bad when said all of those things to Tori, Charlie you have every right to be on this earth. Like Mr. Ajayi said "don't let anyone make you disappear Charie." He's right. The beach scene, and the corridor scene are everything to me. I'm happy that Tao and Charlie make up, I like how they tease us with Elle and Tao's relationship, like they know it's gonna go further, because we all know it does. The end of the episode makes me so soft, Charlie leaning his head on Nick's chest, and Nick wrapping his arms around him, with a look of content on his face it's just perfect. I also loved Nick's coming out scene, it was really beautiful. So in conclusion I love the show! As well as the books, the whole thing brings me so much comfort.

I hoped you liked this review! Happy Early Pride everyone! 


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