The New Girl

 The New Girl

A Heartstopper Fanfiction

It was a new school year for Truham Boys, and Higgs School for Girl. Boyfriends Nick and Charlie had a wonderful summer, they hung out almost everyday. On their way in, the boys ran to each other embracing in a tight hug. "missed you." Nick said into Charlie's ear. "missed you too." Charlie whispered back. They walked into school hand in hand, and met up with Tao and Isaac. "hey!" They said almost tackling the couple. "how was your summer? I feel like we haven't seen you in weeks!" Tao said dramatically. "we hung out at the beach literally yesterday!" Charlie said with a laugh. Tao just shrugged it off with a smile, and the boys headed into school. Meanwhile across the way, at the girls school Tara, Darcy, and Elle were all catching up with what happened since the last time they hung out. As they were chatting, Elle noticed a new girl walking up to the school. "hey, do you know who that is?" Elle asked Tara. "I don't know, she must be new, let's go welcome her!" The girls walked over to the mysterious newbie, she seemed very closed off from everyone. She had short brown hair, that was done up in two little pigtails, and had a moon pin on her uniform jacket. She was wearing solid black converse sneakers, and had space illustrations on her back pack. She also had bright blue rimmed glasses. "hey, welcome to Higgs!" Tara said with a friendly wave. "oh hi, thanks for the welcome." the girl said hesitantly. "sorry if I startled you I just wanted to make you feel more comfortable, my name is Tara." she said then held out her hand for the girl to shake. "It's nice to meet you, I'm Jaylyn." the girl said and shook Tara's hand. "this is my friend Elle, and my girlfriend Darcy." "It's very nice to meet you, I have to get to class now." Jaylyn said then dashed inside the school. "she seems so scared." Elle said with concern. "yeah she does, I'm gonna see if she wants to come hand out with me and the guys tonight. They're all really chill, maybe she'll feel comfortable with them." Elle said, watching Jaylyn walk inside. "sure that's a great idea, well we better get to form." After school, Elle met Jaylyn outside the gate. "hey Jaylyn, wait up!" Elle said catching up to her. "oh hey, Elle right?" Jaylyn said. "yeah! So listen I'm meeting with my friends from the boys school tonight, would you like to come hang out with us?" Jaylyn looked slightly terrified by the offer, but after some thought she realized it couldn't be as bad as she thought. "sure okay, what time?" She said. "how about 6:00?" "that works for me." That evening, Elle, Tao, Charlie, Issac, and Nick were setting up their night with their potential new friend. "so Elle what's Jaylyn like?" Tao asked. "oh well I don't know a lot about her yet, but she seems nice." There was a knock at the door, "I'll get it" Charlie said. When he opened the door, there was Jaylyn. She was dressed in galaxy print leggings, a black t-shirt with an alien on it, and light blue converses, over her leggings, she was wearing a pair of jean shorts, and her hair was down. "hey, you must be Jaylyn!" Charlie said holding out his hand. "yeah that's me." "well come on in, everyone's upstairs." Jaylyn followed Charlie upstairs, and became shy at how many people were in the room. "hey Jaylyn!" Elle said with a wave. "these are the guys, Tao, Isaac, Charlie, and Nick." Jaylyn waved to them, and had a seat next to Nick. "okay since Jaylyn is new here, how about we play a getting to know you game?" Elle suggested. "sure!" the group said together. "okay I'll go first, Tao what is your favourite colour?" "green, but I also like red." Nick looked over at Jaylyn and noticed her discomfort, "hey are you okay?" He asked her. "oh yeah, I'm just really nervous around people." Jaylyn said rubbing her hands anxiously. Nick placed a hand on hers, as a gesture to help her relax. "thanks." she said with a shy smile. "okay who's next? Charlie?" Charlie went next, but he took the game in a different direction. "my name is Charlie Spring, I'm 15 years old, I'm gay, my pronouns are he/him, I love music, reading, and spending time with my friends and boyfriend." he said winking at Nick. This made him blush, and he winked back. Next was Isaac's turn. "my name is Isaac Henderson, I'm aroace, my pronouns are he/him, I'm 15, I love to read, I love bowling, and I love hanging out with friends." Elle realized this was a better way to play, and went next. "my name is Elle, I'm 16, I'm trans, straight, and my pronouns are she/her, I enjoy making clothes, drawing, and watching movies with Tao." Jaylyn was starting to relax a little bit, and liked getting to know everybody. "okay my turn!" Tao said and stood up from the floor. "my name is Tao, I'm 15, I'm straight, my pronouns are he/him, I love watching movies, I actually have a film blog to post about them, I also enjoy dancing, and just hanging with friends." Next was Nick's turn. "my name is Nick, I'm 16, I'm bisexual, I like rugby, dogs, marvel movies, baking, and spending time with my boyfriend." Charlie blushed at that, and blew Nick a kiss. "okay Jaylyn it's your turn!" Jaylyn was a little nervous, but she took a deep breath, and began. "my name is Jaylyn, I'm 16, I'm straight/demisexual, my pronouns are she/her, I love space, Disney movies, dancing, reading, and writing." "really you can dance? that's so cool." Tao said. "oh yeah, I've been dancing since I was three." Everyone thought that was really neat, and begged her to dance for them, but Jaylyn was not ready for that. "hey guys stop pestering her about it, if she's not ready to do it, then she's not ready. Stop trying to force her to do something she's not comfortable with." Nick said. The group stopped pestering Jaylyn, and they all decided to play some board games. Eventually the night turned into a sleepover, thankfully everyone thought to bring pjs and sleeping bags just in case. Everyone got settled around the room, and told each other stories. Jaylyn was the first to fall asleep, then, Tao, then Elle, then Isaac. Nick and Charlie were the only ones awake, and took the opportunity to have some time to themselves. "you look so cute in your pjs." Nick said, caressing Charlie's face. "thanks, you look really cute too, I love when your hair is all ruffled like this." Charlie said running his fingers through his hair. "I want to stay up all night, same!" They were only up for another hour before they too fell asleep in each other's arms. 


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