It's never you're fault

 It's Never Your Fault

"It wasn't your fault." Nick said while hugging Charlie close to him. It had been a rough day for him, he got into a bad fight with his mum, and came over to Nick's house to calm down. "I know that, but I still feel awful." Charlie cried into Nick's shoulder. Nick wanted to smack Charlie's mother for making the boy he loved feel so bad, she said all these nasty things to him and about their relationship. Nick just wanted Charlie to have a safe place where he can be himself, he knows how much Charlie struggles with mental helath, and if he could take himself out of the toxic enviorment where he lived he would. Which is probably why Charlie came over to Nick's house in the first place, because he knew he would be safe there. Looking down at the boy he loved hurting from the emotional distress his mum had caused him, and holding Nick with all his might, he realized that Nick was Charlie's safe place. With that in mind, Nick squeezed Charlie a little tighter and kissed his head. "Char? I know you're hurting right now, but I promise you all of these thoughts and feelings, all of the strife that you are going through is never your fault. Because you are so incredibly strong, and brave you helped me realize who I was, you made me see what love is really about, and I just want you to know that when things get bad you can always come over here and I'll be there to hug you, and to listen to you." Hearing Nick say all of this made Charlie smile, and appreciate how lucky he was to have Nick in his life. He pulled his head up from Nick's chest and wiped at his wet eyes. "you mean it?" he asked. "of course I do, I love you Charlie." "I love you to Nick! So much!" they shared a sweet passionate kiss, letting their lips crash into each other wiping out everything else around them. 


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