Hey everyone, today was a bad stabbing day. For those of you who don't know me, I have this thing where I stab myself with my nails. It's an anxiety thing, and today was a bad day with it. I kept stabbing my face with my pinky nail, until it got really red and started to hurt I had to put ice on it earlier because it hurt. This is why I can't have my nails very long or I'm compulsed to do it. It's really hard sometimes, I'll be doing it and I won't know I'm doing it. Anyway just thought I would share this, because it's something I have to deal with and it's part of my mental illness. Which should be discussed, that way we can understand it more.
Shy Boyfriend Comforts you when you've gone non-verbal
Shy Boyfriend Comforts You When You've Gone Non-Verbal A Don't Shy Away OneShot (This is something I've been wanting to write, since I'm autistic and I go non-verbal sometimes) (Oh and I'm gonna use Y/N for this story) Henry and Y/N were at the mall, just shopping around. They went into Hot Topic, because Y/N loved that store. Henry found some things he liked as well, then after that they went into a book store. Which is where they are now. "What are you gonna get honey bunny?" Henry asked his girlfriend with a big smile. Y/N was silent, she couldn't speak. "Y/N? Did you hear me?" Henry asked, a little concerned. Y/N nodded, but didn't say a word. She got closer to Henry, and buried her head in his chest. "Oh baby, are you feeling non-verbal?" Y/N nodded. "It's okay, you don't have to talk. Here, if you're up to it, you can write down what you wanna say." Henry gave her a notepad, and a pen. "I wanna g...
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