Struck by more than just lightning

 Struck by more than just lightning

Chapter 10


Oh my gosh I have an infection! I took a turn for the worse last night, I woke up violently shaking and coughing. When I coughed up blood, Adrien got scared and her mom drove me to the hospital. I have an infection from my scar, I get them a lot but this one is horrible I am so freaking weak. But luckily I have my girl by my side, trying her best to cheer me up. She comes to visit me everyday, bringing her guitar with her. I love her so much, she makes everything seem so much better. "hey baby, how are you feeling today?" she asks walking in. "bad, everything's so sore." I say weakly. "Maybe this will make you feel better." She breaks out her guitar, and starts playing our song. "you and I we don't wanna be like them, we can make it till the end. Cause nothing can between you and I." This is our song because one night when we were 10 we were telling each other embarassing secrets about ourselves, and we both said how we like old boy bands. Then when we started dating Adrien sand this to me one night under the stars and it became our song. I don't know what I would do without her.

It's been two weeks since I got my infection, and I'm finally starting to feel better. The doctors say I can go home today! And of course by home, I mean Adrien's house. Because let's face it that place is more of a home to me then living with mom. Well I'm relaxing in Adrien's room watching her practicing her dance routine. I'm telling you that girl can DANCE! She's so confident in her movements, I wish I could see this side of her more often. "why are you looking at me like that?" she asks stretching. "I'm just admiring your amazing movements." I say with a cheeky grin on my face. She laughs, then comes up onto the bed tickling me. "hey, hey, stop that I'm still recovering." I say through laughs. "you had it coming, haha!" she says then kisses me on the forehead. Once I'm better I promised her we would go to the beach, I'm really looking forward to it. I hear Adrien's ringtone go off, and she walks out of the room to take it. I'm concerned so I listen through the door. "Hi Auntie, I know I know I should call you more. No, Auntie I'm not doing drugs geez. Oh no you don't have to come, oh okay see you tomorrow." I hear the phone click off, and a groan from Adrien. She comes back into the room, with a frown on her face a defeated look in her eyes. "what happened babe?" I ask her as she sits next to me on the bed. "That was my Aunt Cerise, my mom's older sister. She hates everything my how I live my life, she hates my clothes, my hair, even when I play my guitar! And now she's coming over tomorrow!" I bring her into my arms and just hold her. "I'm so sorry, I wish I could make this better for you." I say rubbing her back. "thanks C, oh my gosh she's gonna want to meet you! No no that's gonna be a disaster, you're the first boyfriend I've had and she's going to be all over you!" "hey, it's going to be okay. If I can handle my mom criticizing me, I can handle anyone doing it. She smiles at me, and kisses me softly on the lips. "how did I get so lucky to have you in my life?" she asks stroking my hair. I feel the same way about her, and kiss her back. 

It's the next day, and Adrien's aunt is supposed to here soon. She's so nervous, she's been pasing back and forth in the room for an hour now. "Adrien it's going to be okay, come here." I say wrapping her in my arms. "She's just so mean to me C, I can't stand her!" She cries into my shoulder. "If she says one nasty thing to you, I am going to tell her off. No one treats my girl bad!" I say then kiss her forehead. "Okay, I love you C." "I love you too." A little while later there's a knock on the door, she's here. "Cerise, it's so good to you my sister!" Mrs. Baggs says. "you too Cara!" "Adrien your Auntie Cerise is here!" Mrs. Baggs says. I look to Adrien, and I grab her hand. I nod at her to reasure her I'm here for her. We walk down stairs, to meet her aunt and mom. "Hi Auntie Cerise, It's good to see you." Adrien says. "There's my favourite niece! come give your Auntie a hug!" Cerise pulls her into a hug, and I can see the look of horror on my girl's face. I just want to hold her hand through this entire visit. "oh who's this gentleman behind you?" Cerise asks looking at me. "Auntie this is my boyfriend Carson Phillips." 


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