My Angel

 My Angel

So there's this guy that I have major feelings for. He literally looks like he was sent to earth from the heavans above, he has flawless pale skin, ocean eyes, fluffy chestnut hair, and the most beautiful smile I have ever seen. I am so nervous to talk to him, yet he sits right behind me in English class. I'm having a hard time staying foucused on my essay, because my eyes keep drifting toward the beautiful guy. I don't even know his name, but he's so amazing in every way. He's the president of the writers club, and he's the leader of the drama club. I wish I was brave enough to talk to him, but I'm too shy. So I sit here in English staring at this gorgeous man, when i should be writing an essay. "Grace! Focus please!" Mr. Otterman said glaring at me. "sorry sir." I said and went back to writing. 

It's after school now which means club time! I'm in the singing club, we perform songs for the students every year in june. So we practice all year, but we also have a lot of fun too. After we have finished our emsemble for the day, I sneak out to the writer's club to catch a peak at my beautiful crush. Just as I thought, he's at the head of the classroom talking to the rest of the club through a writing project. "maybe I could just pop in for a little bit." I thought to myself. I quietly slip into the room and take a seat at the back. "oh I see we have a newcomer here today." I couldn't believe he had actually noticed me! He's walking over to me, and my heart is just pounding. "hey there, welcome to the writer's club. What's your name?" "My name is Grace, and I'm sorry if I'm interupting." I say feeling awkward. "no, no you're not interupting anything. Oh you're in my english class right? With Mr. Otterman?" "yeah, I actually really love to write." I say blushing. "Well we're always accepting new members, would you like to join the club?" He asked flashing that gorgeous smile. "sure, by the way what's your name?" "Chris, welcome aboard Grace." 

I was on cloud nine for the rest of that afternoon, when I got home that night I was so happy! I hadn't been this happy in a really long time. Before we left the classroom, Chris and I exchanged numbers. My heart beats so fast when I'm around him, I swear he looks straight into my soul with those eyes. I'm laying on my bed, staring at the ceiling listening to my music when I feel my phone vibrate. I look and see it's a text from Chris! it said: Hey Grace, I just wanted to say it was really cool hanging out with you today. If you ever want to go get lunch, or something sometime I'm available:) OMG! Did he just ask me out? I squealed! I was in shock but so happy about it!! I sent him this back: Sure that sounds fun! :) Finally things are going my way. 

Hey it's me again, so you know that guy Chris that I was crushing on a few months ago? Well we are officially dating!! Guys he is the sweetest person ever, I have never been with someone who is so amazing! We kiss and hold hands, it's the best! We also snuggle at night! Although I can't help but feel like there's something he's not telling me, it's like he's keeping this huge secret from me. Yesterday we were out shopping, I was holding hands with him as we were walking by this guy. Chris stopped to turn around and stare at him for a really long time, don't get me wrong the guy was handsome as heck. But the way Chris was staring at him made me think that he's hiding something from me. We're sitting on my bed right now, looking through memes on my phone, he seems distracted so I turn to him. "Chris is there something you need to tell me?" I ask straight out. He looks taken aback, and flustered. "No, why would you think that?" He scratches the back of his neck nervously. I take his hand in mine, and smile softly at him. "you know you can tell me anything, right?" I say squeezing his hand. "okay, you're right there is something I need to tell you. The reason why I haven't said this yet is because I didn't want to hurt you." I was a little confused for a second but then moved closer to him. "Chris you could never hurt me, I love you to me you are perfect. Whatever it is I will understand." He smiles at me, and give my hand a squeeze. "okay, Grace I love you I think you're I really great girl but the truth is I like guys." I smiled at him. "okay, cool." I said. "you're not upset?" he asks, with fear in his voice. "why would I be upset? I love you for who you are, besides we can always be friends right?" He pulls me in for a hug and it's the best one we've shared. I always feel so safe with him. "Thank you, you really are amazing." I blush at that, then ask him something. "have you told your family yet?" He looks down and I know right there that he hasn't. "don't worry, I won't tell them. Not if you're not ready." We hug again, and go to sleep for our sleepover. I have the best friend in the world. 

I hope you all enjoyed this story, this was just for fun. I have a huge crush on Chris, but I still want him to be who he is. There is nothing I would ever change about him. Like I said this was just a fun little story about what it would've been like to be in high school with Chris. 


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