Struck by more than just lightning

 Struck by more than just lightning

Chapter 7


I couldn't believe what I just saw. I mean Carson's back looked like it hurt. It made my heart clench, now I don't know where he is. I didn't mean to scare him off, it obviously upset him when I saw his back. I wish I knew where he weant, because I want to talk to him about it. I walk down the hall in the direction I saw him leave in, hoping I find him. As I turn the corner, I hear crying and rush off hoping it's Carson. I see him, with his knees drawn up to his chest and tear stained cheeks. I kneel down next to him, looking at him close to tears myself. "Carson, it's okay I'm sorry if I made you feel insecure. But I promise you that wasn't the case, does it hurt?" I ask him, trying to get him to look at me. "it can, sometimes when I lay on my back there's a little ache that shoots up my back." he tells me, still not meeting my eyes. "how did it happen?" I ask. "when I was younger, in Kindergarten." he tells me. "Carson look at me when I tell you this." he slowly turns his head to look at me. The sight breaks my heart, his eyes are red rimmed and puffy. "Carson I love you, all of you. Your scar isn't going to change that." 

Carson looks at me with a slight smile on his face. "thank you, I love you too. I thought you would think it was ugly, or gross. That you would leave me." "Carson I could never leave you over something like that! It's a part of you, which makes it special." He pulls me into a hug, kissing my neck. We get up off the floor, and head off to class. After school it's the last meeting of the writer's club before graduation, and all three of us are there. Me, Carson and Mallory. A lot of people think it's weird that Mallory and I are cousins, because we are so different from each other. But trust me we are related, I love Mallory like if she was my sister. Plus Carson and her seem to be pretty close, which I love. I guess because she was the first one besides me to notice him. "okay does anyone have anything they would like to share?" Carson asks us. "oh I have something!" Mallory says, and stands up to read what she wrote.

"okay this is written by Mallory, I promise these are my own words this time Carson." she says with a wink. "once upon a time there was a princess..." While Mallory was telling her story, Carson and I only had eyes for each other, I put my hand on top of his and squeeze it gently. When Mallory is finished, I get up and prepare my writing. "I wrote a new song, for Carson." I say, smiling at my man. "Carson when I first met you, I knew that I loved you. You were the only one who cared about me, and please believe me when I tell you that I love all that you are. This song is called love of my life." I pick up my guitar, which Carson always keeps safe in this classroom for me.

He has beautiful eyes

the kind you can get lost in

I wonder where he's been

he has gorgeous hair and flawless skin

A smile that could make flowers grow

I swear he looks like he glows

An angel sent from above, fills my heart up with love

never thought I could feel like this

It's sweet it's special it's pure bliss

he helped me through pain he's helped me through strife

he is the love of my life

When I'm done, Carson is a little teary eyed. I hug him, and whisper in his ear. "I hope you know how much you mean to me." He pulls me back, and kisses my lips. "You mean everything to me, thank you for loving me." Carson makes me cry with hs sweet words and I kiss him again, just to feel his soft lips on mine in the most amazing way. On our way home, I turn to Carson and ask him a question that has been on my mind since we met. "Carson how come I've never been to your house?" He looks at his feet, then back at the road. "oh you wouldn't want to be there, my mom is kind of toxic." he says. I knew Carson didn't have the best childhood, but I didn't realize just how bad it was. "oh okay I understand." I say, then put a hand on his knee. We're back in my room, laying on the bed watching a movie. I gently lift his shirt, and run my fingers over his abbs, I love feeling the muscles there. "God Carson why is your skin so soft?" I say, with a moan. "I don't know, I guess the water is good in the shower." He says with a chuckle. " smile at his playfulness. "Carson please take your shirt off, I want to see all of you." I say with the most sincere eyes I can give him. 

"okay, but please be gentle with my back." "I will I promise." Carson slowly lifts his shirt off, and I almost fall off the bed. The vision before me is so gorgeous, I can barely breathe. Not only are his abb muscles defined but Carson's back is so gorgeous, even with the lightning scar. "Carson you're beautiful!" I say and he blushes. "thanks babe, could I see you without your shirt? Only if your comfortable." he says. How could I ever be uncomfortable around him? He makes me feel so safe. "I want to, it's only fair right?" I say teasingly. As I pull my shirt off over my head, Carson's face drops open. "wow Adrien you're beautiful!" It's my turn to blush. "you think so?" I say I as I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. "the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, it's obvious that dancing does wonders for you." I smile so wide at this comment, and immediately attack him with kisses. We spend the rest of the night making out, and it is pure bliss. Our hands explore our bodies in the most pleasurable way. "can you stay over tonight?" I ask not wanting this to end. "yes! You couldn't drag me away." he says. That night as I fall asleep in Carson's arms, feeling safe and warm. My phone goes off, I look at the text but it's from a number I don't reconize. I open it, and read it Stay away from Carson or else! I have no idea who it could be, but now I'm a little scared. Who could be after my wonderful, amazing, sweet boyfriend? 


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