struck by more than just lightning

 Struck by more than just lightning

Chapter 6


Last night with mom wasn't too bad. I still didn't want to leave Adrien behind, I know how much I help her with sleep. But I wanted to make sure mom was okay. She was where she usually is on the couch with the TV on, and a glass of wine in her hand. We had dinner together that night, which wasn't too horrible, she didn't yell at me for being difficult. She didn't tell me I was turning into my father. I'd say it was a successful night, she even told me she loved me! She is totally out of character for her, and I wondered how much wine she had. Anyway I hate the way I left Adrien, but I didn't want her to see what happened to me. Adrien is so sweet and sensitive, I don't know what she would do if she saw, the scar. 

A while ago, when I was in Kindergarten, I was waiting to be picked up from school. They were calling for a thunderstorm that day, and it started while I was waiting for dad to come get me. The clouds were rolling in really fast, I heard the first big boom of thunder. I was scared, and had no way of contacting anybody. Then the lightning started, that's when I really got scared. I yelled out into the street hoping someone would hear me, but there was no one is sight. Then the lightning hit me, it was so painful I couldn't feel anything else. I blacked out, and thought I was dead. When I woke up, I saw bright lights and people in white coats. I realized I was at the hospital, with doctors standing over me. "It's okay sweetie, you're going to be alright." One of them told me. I looked to the right of me and saw my grandma holding my hand. "oh thank God you're okay, I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't made it." she said with tears in her eyes. "Don't cry Grandma." I tried to tell her, but my voice was hoarse from lack of use. "Where's mommy and daddy?" I asked her. "they were here, sweetheart but they had to go out for a little bit." she said. I knew she was lying, they probably had another fight then just forgot me again. 

After I was discharged I was still hurting, it took me awhile to walk and eat again. The lightning went right through my body. I was lucky I wasn't paralyzed. After all of that, what was left behind was a pretty knarly scar. On my upper back up to my shoulders, there's this huge horrific scar. It has the pattern of the lightning, and I never want Adrien to see it. It's also still a little sensitive to touch, and there's a little ache I get from it. I know Adrien wants to see me with my shirt off, but I don't know if I can do it. I push that thought aside, and I start getting ready for school. I pick up Adrien, and we head off. She greets me with a kiss, and I blush. I love kissing her, I love loving her. After morning algebra, it's gym which we both have. I hug Adrien before we walk out into the gym. It's a fun class, for the most part. I think Adrien just likes to watch me work out. But I love watching her dance, she seems so care free. Nothing holds her back, and I wish I could see that side of her more often. That's what we're doing right now in gym dancing. It's not my favourite thing in the world, but I don't mind it. Adrien's ankle still isn't a hundred percent, but she's just careful not to jump too much, and if it gets to be too painful I'm here to help her. Class is over, and we head off to change. All the other kids change so fast, and I just take my time in there. Then I hear the door open, I think nothing of it and continue changing. My shirt is off, and I look at myself in the mirror. "God I hate this scar, it's so disgusting." I say to myself. Then I hear a gasp. I turn around and see Adrien standing there! "Carson... what happened?" She said as tears come to her eyes. 

I was so ashamed, I pick up my shirt pull it back over my head and run out of the gym. There was no way I could face her after that. I run to a secluded area of the school, and just cry. 


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