Struck by lightning

 Struck by lightning

Chapter 8


Laying next to Adrien in bed is the best! I know she feels safe with me, I feel safe with her as well. When I wake up, I look over at her side of the bed but I don't see her. I tun toward the other side of the room, and underneath her be more chill poster there she is playing her guitar. It's such a beautful sight, and I find myself smiling at her watching her play. She's so talented, she could be a big star one day. It's our last couple of days of school this week, then it's graduation! I can't wait to spend summer with my girl. As I sit up, a sharp pain shoots up my back and I gasp in pain. Adrien must have sensed my discomfort, because she stops strumming and runs over to the bed. "Carson what's wrong?" She asks me, gently holding my hand. "I'm okay babe, my back is just a little achy this morning." I say, and slowly get up. "here let me help you." Adrien helps me get to the bathroom, to take a shower. While I'm in there, I hear her playing again and the soothing song makes me relax. The warm water feels good on my back. 

When I get out of the shower, I hear Adrien singing softly. I don't reconize the song, but it's beautiful. I step out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my waist, and just listen to my girls gorgeous voice. 

Until our hearts are barely beating

I'm gonna stay right where are

Until we're old and barely breathing

Til death do us part

"oh hey, I didn't see you there." Adrien says as I walk in and give her a hug from behind. "you play so lovely, I wish the whole world could hear it." I whisper into her ear, and she blushes at me. I catch her staring, then I realize I'm still only in my towel. I feel a little exposed until Adrien puts her warm hand on my chest. "you have such a beautiful heart Carson, the rest of the world may not see it. But I do, you are the most kind, loving, smart, funny, caring, guy a girl like me could ever ask for. I love you so much, that sometimes my heart hurts. I can't imagine you not being in my life, you help me be better. I am going to miss you so much when you move away." Then she's crying, and I hold her close to me. I don't want to leave her either, but what choice do I have? I need to leave to become a writer, but I'm gonna miss my girl something awful. "Let's not think about that right now okay? Let's just get through graduating, and enjoy the summer together." She smiles at me, and I brush her back leaning in for a kiss. 

Well this is it graduation! Finally we can get away from all these horrible people, and enjoy ourselves. Adrien looks so good in her grad gown, I am so proud of her. I'm proud of us, we made it! We survived high school, onto the next chapter of our lives. My parents didn't show up, but I'm not surprised. At least Mallory's family came, and Adrien's family. Her mom, her uncles, and her grandpa came. It was fun meeting them, Adrien's family treat me as their own. It makes me feel special. Since Mallory is Adrien's cousin all of the Baggs Family that are close were here. I felt like I was part of them. Once we get our diplomas, we head out for dinner at with Baggs family. "Adrien, Carson, we are so proud of you two. We can't wait to see what you accomplish in the future." Mrs. Baggs said. Adrien put her hand on mine, and squeezed it. Giving me a knowing look, that said "I'm proud of this man right here." Which makes me beam. Gosh I am so lucky to have her.

After dinner, Adrien and I take a walk around the park just the two of us. We're spending our first night of the summer together, hand in hand, just being with each other alone. I turn to look at my gorgeous girlfriend, I see the moon reflecting in her eyes. I feel myself falling more and more in love with her, she's the one. She's the only girl for me, I want to spend the rest of my life with her. "Have I ever told you how amazing you are?" She looks down at the ground not really believing it. I tilt her head up to look at me, kissing her in the process. "you are the most beautiful girl in the world, I don't know why in the world you would choose me out of so many other guys." I say feeling insecure. Adrien grabs both of my hands in hers, brings one to her heart, looking at me with so much love and admiration. Her heart is beating really fast, yet she hasn't been moving around that much. "because I am in love with only you. You are the only guy who makes my heart beat like this." Then she kisses me, hard and passionate like something out of a movie. "you are the only guy for me Carson, all those songs I play, I play them for you. I mean every word, I love every single thing about you. You were the only person who made me feel normal." I hug her so tightly, I never want to let her go. "Now what do ya say, we go for a little late night swim?" she suggests, throwing off her grad dress revelaing a bathing suit underneath. "wow you thought of everything." I say taking off my dress shirt and pants, going in just my underwear. We have so much fun splashing around in the water, playing games on the beach, kissing. Lots of kissing. When we step out, I run my hands through my wet hair which drives Adrien crazy, she practically takles me with the force of her kiss. On our way back to her house, I see her start to shiver. I remember I brought along my blue hoodie, in case in got cold. "here, this should warm you up." I say draping it over her shoulders. "thank you." she says and leans into me. "you can keep it, I have others at home." I say kissing her forhead. She smiles, and laces her fingers through mine. It was the perfect start to the first night of summer, I am so excited to see where the next two months take us. 


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