

Will 1:00 am

I'm asleep in bed, as usual. When suddenly something snaps me awake. I look around to see if there's anything going on, but I don't see anything out of the ordinary. I roll over on the other side of the bed, where Chris usually sleeps but when I do, he's not there. "well that's odd?" I think to myself. "oh he's probably in the bathroom again." I say, then turn back to the other side the bed. Then I hear a loud noise coming from the bathroom, which is really odd. I'm suddenly worried, and walk over toward the bathroom door. "Chris? Are you okay?" I say as I knock on the door. All I got in response was a groan, I slowly open the door and as I step inside I see Chris curled up on the floor in front of the toilet. "oh baby, what happened?" I ask as I kneel down next to him, gently stroking his arm. "I don't feel good Will." He says weakly. I look down at him with sympathy, and pull him close to me. "it's okay baby, I'm gonna help you feel better." I gently pick him up, and carry him back to bed. "now you get comfortable, and I'll bring you some medicine okay?" He nods, then settles down beneath the covers. When I return, I see Chris curled up with his face contorted in pain. I sit on the bed and rub his shoulder. "what hurts baby?" I ask trying to find the root of the problem. "my stomach, it's like someone punched it a thousand times then played jump rope with my insides." My poor boyfriend, I pour him the medicine and help him sit up to take it. "there you go baby, you should start to feel better soon. Do you wanna go back to sleep?" I ask him, tucking a stray hair out of his face. "yeah, will you hold me?" he asks, how could I say no? I climb in beside him, and gently pull him onto my chest. "does your stomach still hurt?" he nods and grabs onto my shirt. "here maybe this will help." I start to rub soothing circles across his abdomen, hoping that will ease the pain. "that feels good babe, thank you." he says then relaxes into the touch. "I'm glad, no just relax and go to sleep hopefully you feel better in the morning." I tell him, then feel myself drift off too. But first I give a gentle kiss to Chris's head, letting him know that I will always be here to take care of him. 


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