I'm not your princess...

 I'm Not Your Princess

Once upon a time, in the kingdom of music there lived a young princess named Cassandra, Evelyn, Esregard. But she hates that name, so please just call her Cass. She lived in a castle sat on a hill top surrounded by water, and wildlife. Sure it may seem like paradise to you, but to the princess it's more like a prison. Hi my name is Princess Cass, I am who was just mentioned. But let's get something straight here, just because I'm a princess doesn't mean I like to wear long fancy dresses, or crown, or all that junk. My style is all my own, I'm more into ripped jeans, t-shirts, and sneakers. I also wear a beanie as my crown suckers. I also carry around a wicked blue electric guitar, I have my hair cut short, this is me. This is my story. So obviously I'm royalty, that was mentioned in the introduction. But between you and me, I hate being a princess. I want to live life the way I want to, I want to make friends, play my music, see the world! But no as my mother would say "you are a princess, and need to set an example for the kingdom." oh bite me! I could care less, It's bad enough that I can't even play my music. Oh yeah that's another thing, I know our kingdom is called the kingdom of music, but music is actually banned here. I know crazy right? A long time ago, when the kingdom was formed this place was full of music. The old rulers loved music so much, that they named it the kingdom of music. But unfortunatley when my great-grandfather became king, he despised music and had it banned from the kingdom. He kept the name though, which is weird. Anyway ever since then, no one living here is allowed to play music, listen to it, or even sing! Which is a tragedy, because I love to sing! I also love to dance, but they even took that away from us too. I wish I could just leave this place, but I can't I'm the only heir to the throne, which means I will have to be queen of this stupid place someday. Life just isn't fair sometimes.

I'm currently in a little secluded area, just outside castle grounds playing my guitar. This is the only place where I can play my music and not get caught. It's not much, but it's nice. There's a little old fountain, that doesn't produce water anymore. There's a bench to sit on, and little bunnies hoping along the grass. It's also shrouded in a huge weeping willow tree, that's what makes it secluded. Anyway I'm strumming away, when I hear this sound. It sounded like someone was singing, I was so intrigued I decided to follow it. As I made my way toward the sound, I come across a man reading while also singing a tune. Guys let me tell you about him! He was the most breathtaking person I had ever come across, he had flawless pale skin, gorgeous eyes. They were like a mix of colours all dancing in perfect harmony! Then there's his hair, it looked so fluffy I had to restrain myself from wanting to touch it, the most perfect shade of chocolate brown. On his face sat a pair of black rimmed glasses, that just totally highlighted all his features. He was also quite tall, with a muscular build, I couldn't help but stare. 

I wanted to get closer to him but I was too scared, I mean he's probably not even from around here. Still there was something about him, that made me want to talk to him. Mustering up my courage I walked over to him, and had a sat next to him. "hi, what ya reading?" I ask, the beautiful stranger. "oh hi, you startled me. I'm reading a book about space." he says, and I immediately swoon. I love aliens, clearly this man is after my heart. "wow I love space!" I say, then mentally face palm myself. "seriously cass? that's the best you could come with?" I say to myself, not impressed with what I just said. "It's very fascinating isn't it? I wonder what aliens really look like?" he says, and flashes me the most gorgeous smile I had ever seen. "I don't think I've seen you around here before, what's your name?" I ask wanting to know more about him. "I'm Prince Christopher, Paul, Colfer. I'm from the kingdom of books." he says, I was smitten! This guy was everything I thought my perfect dream guy could be! "But please don't adress me as that, or call me your majesty. Just Chris is fine." Chris his name was even special. "what brings you to this kingdom Chris?" I say, batting my eyelashes. "well in my kingdom reading is forbidden, so sometimes when I want to read I come over here to do so. I know I come from A kingdom called books, yet no one is allowed to read." He says with a laugh. His laugh was one of the best sounds I had ever heard, everything about this guys was so amazing! "well then you've come to the right place for peace and quiet, this kingdom mayve called the kingdom of music but no is allowed to have anything to do with it." I say, also laughing slightly. "then why do you have a guitar?" I had forgotten I had it with me. "I love music, and taught myself how to play." I said, feeling proud of myself. "wow that's amazing! I taught myself how to read, because I love it. Truth be told I also enjoy music." I was screaming internally.

"oh by the way what's your name?" He asks, with curious eyes. I wasn't thinking and just blurted it out. "Cass, my name is Cass." He looks at me, with wide eyes. I know exactly what he's thinking. "wait as in Princess Cassandra, Evelyn, Esregard?" He says, and I nod. He then proceeds to bow, and I roll my eyes with a groan. "my lady, it is an honor to make your accquaintance." he says with his head down. "please don't do that, I hate when people bow for me. I'm just Cass, trust me I am not your average princess." I say with a smirk. "okay then Cass, it was lovely to meet you, perhaps we could do it again sometime?" he asks me, flashing that gorgeous smile. "I would love too!" I say, a little too enthusiastically. "until next time." then he kisses my hand, and walks off. I caress my hand on my way home, still in shock at what happened today! When I enter the castle, the maids are on me in an instant. shuffling me upstairs, getting me changed into my "princess attire." Then push me toward the royal dining room. I sit down next to my mother, and politely address her. "Good evening mother, good evening father." I say to them. "Good evening Cassandra." they tell me. Let me tell you about my parents, they are your typical king and queen. My father wears a large golden crown with rubies embedded in it, a long flowing red cape, and a suit made from velvet. My mother wears a golden tiara, A long flowing puple gown, and a huge diamond necklace. I bet you their picture would be in the dictionary, for royals. 

During dinner, it's always the same thing. They ask me, where I was, how my princess lessons are going, and if I've found a husband yet. Honestly I am so sick of hearing those questions, one of these days I am just going to pull off my ears so I don't have to listen to them anymore! "Cassandra, as you know the royal ball is coming up. Which means men from across the country will be attending, to take your hand in marriage. Which ever one you dance with, will become your husband and rule by yourside." My mother says to me, as we finsih off dessert. "Yes mother, I understand." I say, as it is what I have been saying since she first brought it up. "Wonderful! I'll have the maids make you the perfect gown to wear." My mother may be excited, but I'm sure as heck not. I wish this ball wasn't even happening. "Mother, if I may suggest something? Why does it have to be a gown? Why I can't I wear jeans?" I ask just throwing it out there. "Cassandra have you gone mad?! You can't wear jeans to the ball! That's obsurd, what would the other kingdoms think? No it has been decided, you will wear a gown, and your tiara to the ball." "but mother..." "no buts young lady! You are excused from the table, the maids should be ready with your bath by now." I knew there was no way out of this, so I say goodnight to my family, and head upstairs for my bath. 

After my bath, I'm dressed in my sleepware getting ready to fall asleep. But before I do I call to one of the maids, "Excuse me Daisy? Could you please bring me a book about space?" I asked her. "Of course miss Cass." She says with a curtsey. Daisy has been my maid since I was little, we have grown really close. I think of her as a sister, also I don't treat my maids the same way my family does. I treat my maids with respect, and I treat them like my friends. Because I'm just like everyone else, underneath my title. Daisy returns with the book, and bids me goodnight with a hug. I get comfortable, and begin to read. As I do I remember Chris from earlier, and smile to myself thinking about how amazing he was. "I wonder if he'll come to the ball?" I ask myself, it would be more fun if he was there. I read for about two hours until I become too sleepy to continue, I put the book down on my desk and go to sleep. 

The next morning, I get up and put on my swimming gear. I like to swim in the morning before everyone else is wake, it's very relaxing. After making sure there's no one around I slip outside to the pond. It's a beautiful morning, the sun slowly rising, not a cloud in the sky. I dip my toe into pond feeling the cool water instantly relax me. I dive right in, enjoying the feeling of calm wash over me. As I'm enjoying my swim, I brush up against something and freak out. When I turn around I see Chris swimming next to me. "oh hi Cass! I didn't know someone else was here!" He says with a laugh. "sorry I didn't mean to scare you, I also enjoy an early morning swim. It's very relaxing isn't it?" he says, ever the charmer. My heart is beating so fast, I can't even process what is happening right now. There is the guy of my dreams swimming next to me in the pond, with his shirt off exposing his defined abbs. I just can't stop staring them, I mean his body is gorgeous! "uh yeah, it is very relaxing." I say trying hard to totally lose it. "would you like to have a little swimming race?" he asks flashing that gorgeous smile. "sure!" I say lining up next to him. We swim neck in neck for while, I have the best time! After we finish the race, We dry off on the side of the pond. Then a question comes to me. "hey Chris, my kingdom is having a ball this weekend would you like to come?" I ask a little nervously. "I would love to!" he says, with a smile. He just made my day. 

Well here I am at the ball. I am so not comfortable wearing this dress, even though it's my favourite colour ice blue. I just don't feel like myself. Then the tiara is placed on my head, and I really wish I were somewhere else. But then I remember that Chris is coming, and that makes me feel better. I walk out to the ballroom entrance, waiting to be introduced to the crowd. "ladies and gentlemen, thank you all so much for coming to the Esregards royal ball!" the announcer says. "may I present the beautiful young lady, and heir to the Esregard throne, Princess Cassandra, Evelyn, Esregard!" I cringe at hearing my full title, but I proudly walk out to my people, smiling and waving. Just like I was taught. I am instantly hit with thousands of applause, and oohing and awwing from the crowd. I take a look around the room, hoping to see the only man I care about here tonight. My eyes meet his, and I am sppechless! Chris had his hair neatly done, in a tall do. With a gorgeous golden crown, on his head. He's wearing a navy blue suit, that hugs him in all the right places. And on his lapel is a simple white rose. I make my way toward him, my heart in my mouth. "well don't you look beautiful." he says in that soft soothing voice of his. "thank you, so do you!" I say smiling. "thank you, would you like to dance?" How could I say no! He leads me onto the dance floor, wrapping his arms around my waist, and I do the same to him. I put my head on his chest, listening to his heart beat. This is only time the kingdom allows music to be played, and we take advantage of it. I love being held in Chris's arms, he smells so good, and he's so warm. I feel safe when he's around. We look at one another, just staring into each other's eyes. My world finally makes sense. Then something amazing happens! He leans in, and kisses me right on the lips! I was shocked at first then I kissed him back! His lips are so soft, the kiss was like fireworks! "come with me." he whispers in my ear. He leads me out to the court yard, and we have a seat under the weeping willow. "I really like you Cass, but I know this look isn't you. I want to see the real you tonight, I will show you the real me as well." Luckily I had on my jeans and t-shirt underneath m dress. I take off the gown, and tiara then put my beanie on. "that's the Cass I know." he says then kisses me. I found someone who likes me for me! When Chris takes off his suit, I see he is also wearing jeans and t-shirt. We were meant to be. As the moon shines down on us, on this lovely night, I lay my head on Chris's shoulder, and he pulls me into him keeping his arms around me tight. I know this is where I belong, I'm gonna tell my family that I don't want to be queen. I want to run away with Chris, and we will start our own kingdom! As the night wears on, Chris and I share on last kiss. My world is finally complete.

The End


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