I love you

 I Love You

Will 3:00 am

I'm sleeping in bed next to my beautiful boyfriend. I can't believe we've been together for nine years! I wouldn't trade those years for anything, I met the man of my dreams, I will never let him go. I'm deep into my sleep, dreaming about dinosaurs when I feel the bed shift. I sense some distress, which is weird because usually I'm a very heavy sleeper and don't wake up. But something pulls me from my sleep, and my eyes shoot open. I'm a little discombobulated and groggy, but I manage to sit up and rub the sleep from my eyes. Once my senses return, I look over at Chris and see him struggling. He's tossing and turning like crazy, making little whimpers. My heart clenches as I see him like this, and try to gently wake him up. "babe, wake up. Please Chris, it's okay it's just a nightmare." I gently shake him awake, and when his beautiful blue eyes look back at me, he sits up shaking and a few tears run down his face. "baby it's okay, come here." I say as I pull him closer to me. I hold him, rubbing my hands up and down his back soothingly. I feel him trembling, and my heart aches for him. I don't like it when he's upset or has a nightmare. "sh, sh it's okay babe I got you. I will always have you." I say to him, then kiss his head. He calms down slightly, and looks at me. I swear I fall in love with him more and more everytime I look into his eyes. "thank you, I love you." he tells me and pulls me in for a kiss. "I love you too baby, now and forever." We kiss one more time, and I pull him into me. We stay like this for awhile, until I feel Chris go limp against me and I realize he has fallen back asleep. I smile to myself, because I can't believe he's mine. I can't believe he's real, and I get to love him. I kiss his hair, then I too fall back to sleep with a smile on my face and my heart full of love for my amazing boyfriend who I would do anything for. 


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