Comfort person

Comfort Person

What is a comfort person? Well a comfort person is someone who makes you feel safe, makes you feel special, who you know will never judge you. Someone who lifts you up when you're down, someone who has saved you time and time again from the awful things in the world or in your life. Someone who makes you feel better after a rough day, who can lift your spirits with just a smile, someone who is always there to shine a light in the dark. When you have that comfort person never let that person go. I found my comfort person back in 2020, and I have never looked back. My comfort person saved me, my comfort person brought light into my life, my comfort person made me feel safe, my comfort person made me feel seen, made me feel special, I knew that whenever life was too much to handle and my anxiety was bad I knew I could count on my comfort person to make it better. (yes I am once again talking about Chris) He is the biggest comfort in my life, I love him more than words, he's the best human being out there. It scares me how much I love him, and sometimes I think about what life would be like if I lost him. But it's too much to bare, and I just end up crying. When I had my part time job working at the library during last summer, that was really hard for me. My anxiety was so high every hour I worked there. When I would get home I would go into my room, look around at my walls with his pictures and breathe a sigh of realif. I am so thankful that wonderful man came into my life when he did, because I don't know what I would do without him now. I don't show it very often around my family, because I don't think they would truly understand just how much Chris means to me. I hope I have encourged some of you out there to find your comfort person, it is the best thing in the world.

Thank you. Spread love not hate! I'll see you next time.



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