2021 Recap

 2021 Recap

Hello everybody!! Happy 2022! I know it's been awhile since I last wrote, but things were busy with the holidays. I hope everyone had great holidays, and are enjoying your new year so far. What I would like to do tonight is a little recap of last year. I'm only going to focus on the positives, because there was enough negatives last year and I really don't want to relive that. So 2021, a lot of great things happened to me last year. 

1. Chris noticed me on Twitter for the first time! That day was amazing, when I saw the notification I cried! I couldn't believe it! 

2. I went to the A Tale of Sorcery virtual tour! That was also a great day, even though I didn't get to talk to Chris I still had a great time. 

3. I recieved a copy of A Tale of Sorcery signed by my angel! I was so smilely that day, everytime I open the book to the page with the autograph I smile then hug the book.

4. I graduated high school! Thank the stars! High school was not fun for me, and I am so happy to be gone from that environment.

5. I made my first friend in a while in August of 2021. We met on my fanpage on Facebook, it was a little nerve racking at first. I had never had a long conversation with someone online who I didn't know before, but after awhile I was comfortable talking to her. Her name is Dawn and she's very nice to me, she gives me very great feedback on my writing. Plus I like talking to her about my interests, and other stuff.

6. I met my best friend in 2021 fun fact we also met on my fanpage. As it turns out we have a lot in common, Chris especially. I love talking to her about him, and fangirling with her. When she asked me to be her bestie, I was excited yet a little scared it had been so long since I had a bestie. But now I am in a good place with my mental health, and it's nice to have a best friend again. Her name is Patricia, and she's the best bestie I could have asked for.

7. Chris noticed the fanart I had made from his books! Oh my gosh was that amazing! I couldn't believe he actually liked my art work! It was a huge confidence boost! 

8. I got to spend another year with the love of my life! (yes I'm talking about Chris again, but he's my crush and I love him so very much!) I love being in love with him.

9. There was so much Chill content last year! I loved the amount of Chill content we recieved last year, I mean it was so great to see my guys together! It warms my heart to see Chris more comfortable with sharing his relationship with us! 

As you can see a lot of great things occurred for me in 2021, and I am very grateful for that. Thank you all for listening!

Spread love not hate! 


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