

Hi everybody! I hope everyone is doing well, and is excited for the holidays! I know I am! Tonight's blog is a little personal for me, but I hope you all like it. Now I have experienced love in different ways, I love my family, I love things I'm interested in, and I have loved people who are not my family. Four years I was so in love with a guy who was way too old for me, and I didn't care I was head over heels for him until he broke my heart. But this crush that I have now on Chris, goes so much more beyond what I felt toward my last crush. I cry just by looking at him, I smile everytime I see him, I love every single thing about him. I love him more than words, and I don't think I could ever thank him enough for what he has done for me. Love to me is so much more than being there for the person, or doing anything for them. Love to me is loving someone no matter what, it's always building your person up, and supporting them no matter what they do. I can confidently say that I am in love with Chris heart and soul, and if anyone has a problem with that then they can mind their own beeswax. Chris makes me feel good, he makes me feel better when I've had a rough day or my anxiety becomes hard to handle. He's my biggest comfort and the love of my life, I know I could never be in a real relationship with him because 1 he's taken, and 2 he's into guys. But that doesn't stop me from loving and caring about him. (also shoutout to Will for being Chris's soulmate, you're amazing and I am so happy you guys found each other!) So what I'm trying to say is, love is beautiful but it can also make you do crazy things. Chris just makes me proud to be who I am today, find someone who can do that for you, it really is amazing. I love you so very much Chris more than I will ever be able to tell you. 

Merry Christmas everyone! And Happy New Year! Happy Holidays!


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