1 year and 11 months

 1 year and 11 months

It's amazing how things can change. A lot can happen in just a short amount of time. One thing I thought would never happen, I learned to love again. As you know from one of my first posts on here, I was in love with a guy who broke my heart. But then by some amazing turn of fate I found someone to love again, this time I know my heart is safe because he could never break my heart. I'm talking about the love of my life Chris Colfer. I have been in his fandom for 1 year and 11 months. He has changed my life in so many ways, he makes me feel so good about myself, he makes me a better person, he's become my comfort person. I don't rememeber exactly when I realized I loved him, I just know I said it one day and I've never stopped saying it. I know I say this alot but he truly is the best thing that ever happened to me, I am forever grateful for him and everything he's done for me and for so many other people. It was because of him I made friends again, I learned how to be okay with myself, I want to be a writer, and I owe so much to him. I'm getting emotional writing this, he is just such an amazing person and I hope I get to tell him all of this person one day. This has been the best 1 year and 11 months of my life. Chris you mean everything to me, I love you more than words could ever explain. That really scares me, I don't think I could handle losing you. Just thank you so much for everything. 


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