The Kid Is Sick

The Kid Is Sick

 This is after Xanthous and Elrik were married. They adopted a little girl from one of the village orphanages in the kingdoms. They were so happy to have a child of their own to love and care for. 

It was a beautiful summer morning in the Hayfield-Elderwood household. Xanthous and Elrik were sound asleep in each others arms, when they heard a distressing sound. "Daddy!" It was their little girl Cassandra, crying out for one of them. "Cass is calling you, Xan." Elrik said in a sleepy voice. "Okay, I 'll get up and check on her." Xanthous said also still sleepy. "Daddy!" "I'm coming princess." Xanthous said as he made his way to her room. When he got there, he realized what was causing his little girl's distress. Cassandra was crying and holding her stomach seemingly in pain. Xanthous walked toward her with his arms outstretched, "oh princess come here." Xanthous said scooping his daughter in his arms in a huge hug. "Daddy I don't feel good, my tummy hurts." Cassandra said crying into her father's chest. "oh baby, it's okay Daddy will make it better." He said stroking her hair. Xanthous carried Cassandra into the kitchen with him, and found some herbs that should help soothe her tummy. "Daddy, I think I'm gonna be sick." Cass said in a desperate voice. Xanthous quickly took Cass to the bathroom, and held her hair back while she was sick. He rubbed her back as she emptied her little stomach, he felt so bad for his baby girl. He didn't like seeing her so sick. "It's okay princess, Daddy will give you something to make you feel better." Xanthous brought her back to bed, had her eat the herbs he found, and gave her some water. "there you go sweetheart, you should start to feel better soon" he said softly caressing her cheek. "Daddy can you stay here with me until I fall asleep?" Cass asked still feeling bad. "of course baby, lay down." Xanthous said and pulled her blanket up to her chin. "does your tummy still hurt?" He asked her. "yes Daddy." She said curling up in the fetal position. "would it help if Daddy rubbed your tummy?" She nodded, and Xanthous gently started to rub in her tummy. "go to sleep baby, Daddy's right here." At that Cassandra allowed her eyes to close and she fell asleep. Xanthous also fell asleep next to her, feeling too tired to go back to his own bed. A little while later, Elrik noticed that Xanthous didn't come back to bed. So he went to go find him. When he reached Cassandra's room, he found his husband fast asleep in his daughters bed. Elrik smiled at this moment, and slowly walked over to wake Xanthous up. "hey babe, wake up and come back to bed I miss you." Xanthous slowly opened his eyes, and looked sleepily up at his husband. "hey babe, I guess I fell asleep." He said getting up to his feet. "that's okay, how is she?" Elrik asked looking over at their daughter. "she was feeling sick, so I gave her some herbs to help her stomach. And of course I gave her cuddles." Elrik smiled and went to kiss his little girl on the forehead. "sweet dreams princess." He said in a whisper. Xanthous and Elrik made their way back to their room, and climbed into bed. "I love our little girl so much." Xanthous said. "so do I, we really got lucky didn't we?" Elrik said as he pulled his husband closer to him. "we sure did babe, we sure did." 

Aww! Wasn't that cute!

Until next time Spread love not hate! 💙😊


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