Social Anxiety

 Social Anxiety 

I know this blog is supposed to be fan stuff, but I want to talk about what I go through mentally because it's important to talk about. I have experienced this since I was 4 years old, but everyone just thought I was a shy kid. What they didn't know was that it's so much more than just being shy, social anxiety is a real thing. When I'm in a new situation with strangers, I get really nervous. My palms sweat, I can't speak, I can't make eye contact, my heart races like crazy, and I start breathing heavily. Which is why I prefer to stay home, or if I do go anywhere one of parents has to go with me. Talking to people has always been hard for me, for the longest time I couldn't answer people's questions. I will answer people now if they ask me something, but I can't keep up conversations. It's very easy to talk to people online then it is for me to talk to people in person, but even before now I couldn't respond to people online. That took me awhile before I was comfortable. Obviously I could text people back, but responding to comments I didn't really do that before I started a fanpage. Now it's come to the point where my anxiety needs to be controlled. I'm going on medication for it, which scares me really bad. But my parents have been really encouraging, so I guess I just need to see how it goes. Thank you for your time. 💙


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