

Hello everyone! Welcome back to Fangirl Confessions! Today’s blog is about shipping and OTPs in your fandom! Our first topic is about shipping, this is a part of a fandom that is the most enthusiastic. Let me give you a little background on what shipping means, shipping is when there’s two people in your fandom who you want to be together. But there is a difference between good shipping and toxic shipping. Good shipping is when you love the relationship more than anything, and are also respectful of it. For example I love Xanthous and Elrik from A Tale of Sorcery, which my angel Chris wrote and is amazing! Xanthous and Elrik’s relationship is so cute and sweet! The fact that they are fictional people is also a major factor in this good shipping topic. Spoiler alert for people who haven’t read this book yet. Now we move on from good shipping to toxic shipping. This unfortunately happens in the fandom I’m in, this kind of shipping is very hurtful to the relationships that these shippers are forcing. Toxic shipping is when so called fans force two people who could be in a relationship by are not and have never been. This causes upset in the actual relationships these people are in. I know that these shippers get very aggressive, they spread nasty rumours, and do very despicable actions in trying to get the actual relationship terminated. Please don’t be a toxic shipper, please be respectful to the real relationships you see in your fandom. 

Our second topic for today is OTPs! This is something I have experience with, and I’m very happy to be talking about it with you! Now for those of you who don’t know what OTP stands for, it stands for One True Pairing! This is the relationship in your fandom that you love more than any other! My OTP in Chris’s fandom is Chill! Which is Chris and his boyfriend Will’s names together! I love them so very much, they are my favourite couple ever, and love each other so much! Having an OTP is like having a comfort relationship that you can always look at to make you feel better! I can honestly say that Chill make me believe in love, they make me believe in soulmates, and they have shown me just how strong a relationship can be! I hope I have inspired some of you out there to find your OTP or favourite ship in your fandoms! Thank you and have a good day! 


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