

Today on Fangirl Confessions, I will be discussing merchandise from your fandom! This is anything related to your fandom in the form of stuff. For example I have Chris's books, but I also have custom merchandise around my room. I have a poster which was custom made, I have pics from the internet that I printed off and put into frames, I even decorated the outside of my door with pics of Chris. Different fandoms though have different forms of merchandise, for bands and singers they have clothing with their name and logo on them. For franchises they have characters as stuffed animals or games, or also clothing as well. And there's also stuff you can make yourself, like my scrapbooks those and Chris's books are the most precious things in the world to me. I don't share my scrapbooks online because they are too personal to share, but I love them just the same. Merchandise is also a really great way to show your support for you fandom, by purchasing Chris's books I'm helping him get his work out there. Also sharing them online I can promote them and give reviews on what I thought. Merchandise is a wonderful thing and I'm really happy to own all the things revolved around Chris that I do. Well that's it for today's post, I hope you enjoyed learning about merchandise today!


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