

Hi people! welcome back to Fangirl confessions! Today's topic is about Idols! This is something very near and dear to my heart, having an Idol is so special! Typically Idols are celebrities in a fandom, but they can be anyone who's living or dead. Or a character from a tv series, book series, movie or other things related to a fandom! For me my Idol is in fact a celebrity, he's Chris Colfer! The guy I've been talking about since I started this blog, and why I started doing it! Before I go any further I'd like to give you all some information on Chris. Let's start with his background, Chris grew up in a small town in California called Clovis. He lived there with his mom, dad, and younger sister Hannah. Hannah has epilepsy, and a lot of the time she was in the hospital. Chris was also in the hospital quite a bit as a child, and has a scar on his neck from a lymph node surgery he had. (I also have a thing for it, I love it so much!) Growing up in a small conservative town was scary, because it was very closed minded. But Chris didn't let that stop him, he was involved in theatre in school, and was captain of his speech and debate team. He also really wanted to be a writer one day, writing was very therapeutic for Chris it was a way to escape reality. He was also unfortunately bullied a lot in school because of the way he was, and I just can't imagine anyone hurting him in any way. Despite the harassment Chris was always just himself! When he was 18 Chris was cast in the hit TV series glee playing Kurt Hummel. A gay character who changed the world, with his voice and spirit. Playing that character launched Chris's fabulous career, and he saved so many lives in the process. 

Not long after the show started taking off, Chris signed a book deal. He was going to make his childhood dream come true, by writing a children's book that he came up with when he was only seven years old! The land of Stories the wishing spell was the first book he published, and it is amazing! Down the road Chris wrote more books related to the land of stories, and it became a New York Times best selling series! Along with the six main books of the series, Chris has written many spin off books, including a prequel series called A Tale of Magic. He also has some teen level books, called Struck by Lightning and Stranger than FanFiction. All of his books are so amazing, with perfect storylines and characters people can really relate to. Another fun fact Chris also wrote the movie Struck by Lightning which he also starred in. Chris has done so much in his young life, he's truly an inspiring person who I admire so much! He's also taught me a lot of things, Chris taught me that it's okay to not be popular. It's okay to not have any friends, it's okay to be different. Chris makes me feel like I'm not alone, he's my safe place when my anxiety gets bad, he's the love of my life. I couldn't imagine my life without him, he makes me a better person, and I am so proud to call him my Idol and my hero. 

Thank you for your time, and I hope all of you out there can find your Idol as well. It's the best thing in the world. 


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