

Hey everybody! Today I'm writing a little piece of fanfiction. This is my take on what Xanthous and Elrik's first date would look like. Hope you enjoy!

After having spent a week down in the earth's core with the fire demons, Xanthous was ready to head back into the world. Elrik was amazing at helping him with this whole king thing, and was very thankful to have have him in his life. But having been down there awhile Xanthous wanted to see daylight again, and treat Elrik so something nice. While on a break from his royal duties, Xanthous and Elrik went for a walk around the castle. Xanthous pulls Elrik aside and looks him right in the eyes. "Elrik there's something I want to ask you." He said taking Elrik's hand in his. "what is it Xan?" Elrik asked calling him by his nickname that he gave him. "would you like to go on a date with me? We haven't actually been on a real date yet, and I wanted to show how much I care about you, so what do you say?" Elrik smiled at the boy in front of him, he was so touched by how caring and thoughtful Xanthous was. "Xan, I would love to go on a date with you." Xanthous was so happy, he jumped up and down with excitement. Later that week, Xanthous and Elrik were getting ready for their big date. They were going to have a picnic in the woods, in the place they first met. After they were dressed and packed, Xanthous and Elrik made their way toward the picnic spot. Once they were there they spread out the blanket, and put out the food. "this is really nice Xan, I'm glad we decided to do this." Elrik said taking a bite of his sandwitch. "me too Elrik, it's so great to be out of that castle in the ground and see the sun." Xanthous said biting into a strawberry. After they finished eating, Xanthous and Elrik laid down on the blanket together with their hands joined watching the clouds go by. "hey Xan?" Elrik asked a little unsure of himself. "yeah, what's up?" Xanthous asked. "I love you." Xanthous was shocked at what Elrik just said to him, sure Xanthous had strong feelings towards Elrik but he thought it was too early for the L word. But when Xanthous looked over at the boy laying next to him, with shining brown eyes Xanthous realized he loved him too. "I love you too." The boys grew closer together, until they were wrapped in each others arms. They looked at each other with all the love in the world, and shared a passionate kiss. "You'll always be my prince." Xanthous said in Elrik's ear, making sure he was the only one that heard it. "and you'll always be my king." the elf boy said back. They laid back down still holding each other, and fell asleep feeling safe in the warm embrace.

I loved writing about these two! I might have to do more of these in the future! 

Until next time, spread love not hate! 😊💗


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