

Today's topic is all about my Idol! When I say he's the sweetest human being on the planet I mean it! Chris does so much for people without even realizing it! I mean he keeps fan art from people and has it pretty all over his house, and talks about it when he has company! He saves lives all the time, he's such a comfort for people, and he makes me really happy! Chris came into my life during a time where I really needed to feel like I wasn't alone, because I was alone so much in high school. Making friends was hard for me because of my social anxiety, I felt so invisible. There were days when I go into the bathroom to get away from everything for awhile, that was the only place where I felt safe mentally. Music was my only friend, I was the loner kid who always had my headphones on. I wished I had a friend like Chris in high school, he's so amazing! When he came into my life it was the best thing ever! I didn't feel so alone, and I felt seen. Chris is the best hands down! Because of him I started a fanpage, and I met my online friends on there! Shout out to Dawn and Patricia! Thanks for being such good friends! 

Chris is just pure love and kindness, he has the most beautiful heart. Plus on top of that he is drop dead gorgeous! Eyes like the ocean, fluffy chestnut brown hair, skin that looks like it glows, and a smile that could light of the world! He also has a beautiful singing voice. I love listening to him talk about anything, I could just sit and listen to him talk for hours. He's also freaking talented as heck! He can act, sing, dance, write, create amazing costumes for Halloween, and so much more too! There you have it my wonderful angel Chris making my life better simply for existing! Thank you for your time today.


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