At The Beach

 At The Beach

It was a beautiful day in the underground kingdom of the fire demons. Xanthous and Elrik were making their rounds around the castle, making sure things are in order. "hey do you want to maybe get away for awhile?" Xanthous asked Elrik looking him the eye. "sure that sounds great!" He said kissing Xanthous's cheek. "how about we go to the beach?" Xanthous suggested. "that sounds perfect." Elrik said with a little smile. The boys packed up their things to take with them to the beach, and got inside the carriage. When they arrived at the beach Xanthous ran down to the water, and jumped into the ocean! Elrik went running after him, and yelled "Xan you don't even have your trunks on!" Xanthous just laughed at him then ducked under the water, and splashed Elrik in the face with water. "hey! okay that's it I'm coming in!" Elrik kicked his shoes off, and waded out into the ocean. The boys took turns splashing each other, then went up onto the beach to change into their beach clothes. Before they changed Xanthous became self-conscious about taking his shirt off, he had never been that exposed before and he wasn't sure if he was ready to do that. Meanwhile Elrik was thinking the same exact thing, he had never taken his shirt off in front of anyone before, and now he was about to do it in front of the boy he loved more than anything. "um this is awkward, I've never taken my shirt off in front of someone before." Xanthous said blushing. "neither have I" Elrik said just as nervous. "what if we both do it, but we have our eyes closed. Then once we both have our shirts off we slowly open our eyes." Elrik suggested.  "okay, let's give it a try, on the count of three. One, two, three." Xanthous and Elrik ripped their shirts off, and kept their eyes closed throughout the whole thing. Then very slowly the boys opened their eyes. Xanthous was in awe of Elrik's toned torso, "oh my gosh he's so beautiful." Xanthous thought to himself. When Elrik opened his eyes, he was also in awe of his boyfriend. "oh my gosh, he's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." They stare at each other for a few more seconds, until Xanthous breaks the silence. "wow you look amazing!" He said still staring at Elrik's abbs. "so do you, Xan you're so beautiful." This made Xanthous blush, and he pulled Elrik into his arms. "let's lay down on the blanket we spread out." "okay." The boys laid down on the blanket, and watched the clouds roll by. "Xan? can I touch your chest?" Elrik asked very shyley, not wanting to make Xanthous uncomfortable. "sure, if I can touch yours?" Xanthous asked also unsure. "sure." Elrik very carefully traced patterns over Xanthous's chest, feeling the warmth of his skin. "you're so soft Xan." Elrik said rubbing his fingers over Xanthous's stomach. "You're very soft too Elrik, I love the way you smile, and your eyes, and your hair. Elrik I'm in love with you." Xanthous said with a huge smile. "I'm in love with you too Xan, so in love that it scares me sometimes." They grew closer and started making out with each other, under the setting sun. "you want to go for one more dip before we head home?" Elrik asked, eyes never leaving his boyfriend's face. "sure that would be great!" They waded out into the ocean one last time, swimming together and having fun. Then when it was time to go home, Xanthous fell asleep in the carriage. With his head on Elrik's shoulder. Elrik just put his arms around him, and kissed him softly on the head. "how did I get so lucky?" he asked with a big smile. Then feeling tired himself, Elrik also fell asleep. 

That's it for this story! Hope you enjoyed it! 

Until next time! Spread love not hate! 💙😊


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